Old Llantrisant Hill
- Mary did you know? - lyrics
- Sung by the choir earlier
- Provoking words - what did she understand and know
- The gospel accounts are clear:
- There are certain things she would not have known - examples
- There are many things she did know - examples
- We heard earlier the salutation of Mary
- Elizabeth was privileged to be in Mary's presence and the presence of the Son of God
- Mary was blessed and favoured by God
- In response, Mary sings a song of true worship and devotion
- It should prompt us to ask the question - are we a true worshiper?
- Mary knew by experience
- Worship
- Zacharias was full of joy
- The angels praised God
- The shepherds praised God
- Simeon - his eyes see God's salvation
- The spirit of Christmas
- The true spirit of Christmas is the worship of Jesus Christ
Heart felt worship
- Her song sprang from her heart
- It was true and genuine
- Mary knew her Son would save His people from their sin
- Mary was sinful and needed a Saviour too
- She exalts in her Saviour
- The trappings of worship - candles, crib, bells, incense, etc
- These are not necessary for worship
- They can cause false worship
- We must worship in spirit and in truth
- True worship is from a humble state of being
- A contrite heart
- A person that knows they do not deserve the grace of God
- She considered herself a lowly maidservant of the Lord
- She had a humble, grateful, thankful heart
- If we are to worship God, we must come in the same way
- Have you seen this Christmas who Jesus really is - for the first time?
- Do you humble yourself before Him?
- Will you bow before the Lord Jesus Christ?
- Have you seen that God has done great things for you?
- Mary worshiped God with the eye of faith
- God exalts the humble and puts down the proud
- She loved God
Concluding Remarks
- What Mary didn't and did know
- She saw Christ's work on the cross
- She heard Him cry "It is finished"
- Mary would come to know all the true facts of her Son
- She worshiped Him
- Are you a true worshiper of God?