Zechariah’s Unbelief
- John the baptist - a birth like no other
- Filled from birth with the Holy Spirit
- John was not the Christ but was to testify of the Christ
- Looking at John the baptist this morning
- Last week - considering unusual events
- Explanation
- Blameless
- A man of prayer
- Today - the sin of unbelief
- He would not believe the message of the angel
- He wanted a sign
- He provoked God with his unbelief
- Overview:
- The Sin of Unbelief
- God's Restoring Power
The Sin of Unbelief
- Zacharias response - v18
- Mary believed - v38
- Zacharias did not believe
- God sees the heart and motive
- God sees whether there is genuine faith or unbelief
- God is a god of miracles
- Elizabeth was beyond the age of childbearing
- God was able to give her a child
- Zacharias being a priest should have known this
- There is nothing that provokes God more than the sin of unbelief
- We have minds and can reason
- But it is an affront to Him is we He cannot
- God's people in history have been characterised by unbelief
- The children of Israel (apart from Joshua and Caleb)
- Some unbelief is hard, adamant, desiring unbelief
- Example of the siege of Israel by Syria
- Example of unbelief in the New Testament
- There is rampant unbelief in our western nation
- Consider this to places like Africa or China
- The people of the UK are characterised by unbelief
- Nothing is too hard for the Lord - v37
- God can make even a virgin conceive
- Mary believed - v44
- Challenge:
- Are you a believer?
- Do you believe the Bible?
- Do you believe in the redeeming work of Jesus Christ?
- Are you wanting proof? (cf v18)
- Do not be a doubting Thomas
God's Restoring Power
- It was not adamant, hard-hearted unbelief in Zachariah
- This was temporary doubt/unbelief
- There are two types of unbelief
- God is merciful
- God fulfills His word - v24
- Elizabeth's conception was encouraging to Zacharias
- Elizabeth did not die in child birth - God sustained her - v57-58
- "God is not a man that He should lie"
- Think of the deceit in men & women
- "It is impossible for God to die"
- Consider God's promises at the beginning of the Bible - fulfilled
- Examples
- God shows His graciousness - v59-64
- Zacharias is able to speak at the naming of his son
- He bursts into praise and worship
- The name John means 'God is gracious'
- John will prepare the way for the Lord Jesus Christ
- A total and instantaneous healing
- Do you have doubts today?
- Do you need the stirring of God to come to full assurance?
- Zacharias sings after being filled with the Holy Spirit
- This is a usual pattern - cf Eph 5:18
- The focus of his song is about Jesus Christ
- God has redeemed His people - v68
- In the line of David - v69
- The prophecies of old - v70
- Zacharias is a man no longer of unbelief, but faith and assurance
- To fulfill His covenant - v72
- To fulfill His promises - v73
- That John would prepare the way for Jesus Christ -v76-77
- To provide light in the darkness - v78-79
Closing Remarks
- Have you found peace with God?
- Do you have a relationship through Jesus Christ?
- Jesus can take the darkness of your sin and give you eternal life
- You must believe in Him and repent of your sin
- Will you believe in Him this morning?