Why should we serve the Church?
- The word may appeal to 'big picture' people
- Everything we see in this letter is on the grandest possible scale
- Is the greatest mission of the church to see people saved?
- God has an even grander scheme than that
- God has revealed to us as believers in this New Covenant His
will - God has revealed that all things shall be united in Christ
- There shall be a reconciling of the universe
- This is 'big picture' stuff
- What is our part in this?
- Ecclesiology - the doctrine of the Church
- The focus is not on the local Church
- There are no references to local people or paroquial issues
- His focus is on the totality of the Church
- One corporate entity gathered up to Him
- What is our place as individuals and as an local church?
- Why should we serve the Church?
- Because the whole of creation serves the Church
- Because the Creator Himself serves the Church
The whole of creation serves the Church
- This is Paul's teaching in chapter 1
- v22 - The emphasis - for the church
- All things were given to Jesus for the church
- Jesus has been given control over ever spiritual power, force of nature and turn of history
- All things are done in God's Sovereignty and Power
- This should bring us comfort - no persecution can prevent this or enemy can prevail against us
- God is in total control
- Do you believe that God is in total control?
- Prov 16:33
- Consider the example given by Jesus
- There are tremendous truths in God
- How absurd it would be if we do not get involved in this
- Let us think in great cosmic terms, not just local terms
- A compelling reason to serve the Church
The Creator Himself serves the Church
- Christ is the head of the universe and creation
- v22-23
- The church is the body of Jesus Christ
- He is the head of the body, the Church
- There is the headship of the universe and the Church
- Christ fills a rebellious universe with His authority and control
- Christ fills the church with His Spirit, gifts and love
- The sacrificial love of Jesus Christ at Calvary
- It is all because of what Jesus has done
- It is all because of His service for the Church
- This is a more compelling reason to serve the Church
- Eph 5:23 - Christ is the head of the Church
- 5:25 - Christ love the Church
- 5:59 - Christ's body is the Church
- 5:32 - This is a great mystery
- Christ continues to serve the Church
- Eph 4:11-16
- Everything is supplied by the head for the growth of the body
- The teaching gifts (4:11)
- The spiritual gifts
Closing Remarks