- Going to look at Elijah
- Felt deep depression, felt his ministry was over
- Felt that God hadn't done what He should have done
- There hadn't been a great turn to God of the nation
- He faced a death threat and ran from Queen Jezebel
- Prayed that God would take his life
- Elijah prayed against Israel (Rom 11:2)
- UFM Conference
- Steven Curry - Doubts in the Ministry
- Example of John the Baptist
- Example of Pilgrim's Progress
- We are looking at Elijah - a story similar to other servants of God
- Moses, Jeremiah, Paul
- Overview:
- Elijah Runs (v1-4)
- Elijah Recovers (v5-14)
- Elijah Regains Perspective (v15-18)
Elijah Runs (v1-4)
- A stark contrast between chapter 18 and 19
- Explanation
- It seems this was the beginning of a revival
- Terrible things happened under King Ahab
- "Then the hand of the Lord came upon Elijah and he girded up his loins and runs ahead of Ahab to the entrance of Jezreel" (18:46)
- "So let the gods do to me and more also, if I do not make your life as the life of one of them by tomorrow about this time" (v2)
- Elijah was expecting quite the opposite
- Why does he not stand up/challenge Ahab?
- He is mentally and physically drained
- This can happen in Christian ministry
- When the body is broken, the soul can be broken (and vice versa)
- Elijah is at the brink
- He goes to Beersheba and then into the wilderness (v3)
- He leaves his servant behind (v4)
- Why is he like this?
- Because of unrealistic expectations
- Spurgeon speaking of John the Baptist
- Think of Jonah and Nineveh
- Are we like this?
- Because of fear
- He fears for his life
- "The fear of man brings a snare"
- In his mind this woman is bigger than God
- Are we overcome with fears about a situation?
- A sense of being a failure
- Moses - Num 11:11-15
- Christians can feel this low
- Martin Luther
- Spurgeon
- Stuart Olliet - speaking on depression
- Elijah was very depressed - to the point of asking God to take his life (v4)
- We must not forget that the work depends on us, for the work depends on God
Elijah Recovers (v5-14)
- God uses different means to recover us
- E.g. Tom, a break
Rest for the body
- Rest for Elijah (v5)
- God sends an angel to Elijah
- God provides for him
- God sends him on a journey of rest
- Elijah's problem was not only spiritual but physical also
- We need times of rest
- A journey for Elijah (v8)
- It would not take 40 days to get to Mount Horeb but only 7 days
- He is given extra days for rest
- He is given counsel by God
- He has gone to the wrong place but God still meets with him
God speaks to Elijah
- Questions for Elijah (v9)
- The word of the Lord came to Elijah (v9)
- 'Are you really in the right place?'
- We need to ask these questions also
- Elijah pours out his heart to God
- We need to pour our heart
- We must be honest with God and each other
- A confidence for Elijah (v11-12)
- God is in the still small voice
- It is not in the spectacular, the signs and the wonders - God is coming in grace with a still small voice
- God challenges Elijah again (v13) and he goes
Elijah Regains Perspective (v15-18)
- You will appoint new kings - Hazael and Jehu
- You will anoint Elisha as prophet
- I have reserved 7000 who have not bowed to Baal
Closing Remarks