Old Llantrisant Hill
- A wonderful Psalm
- Written by David
- David - a man after God's heart
- David cares and loves God
- He knows that only God can preserve him - v1
- He knows there is nothing else apart from knowing God
- Do we know God and walk as closely with Him as David did?
- Example of local man
- How much can we share of the goodness of the Lord?
- v11 - see what David had to say
- What is the source of our joy?
- God has given us the promise that in Him is "fullness of joy"
- Why is this joy not in us or non-Christians?
- Why do we find it so much easier to do everything else than worship God?
- Social experiment with school children and chocolate
- We are like this (in a way)
- God is offering greater pleasures but we forfeit this for short term gain and fleeting entertainment and pleasures
- God is offering so much, so why are we so lacking?
- Example of another man
- How can you know God? - v8
- Do you see how beautiful Jesus is?
- Example of Jesus & Peter walking on water
- What distractions around us take our eyes off Jesus?
- If you are not fixing your eyes on Jesus, who will save you?
- God is a God of love and justice
- God will save the faithful ones
- Example of Ezekiel 14
- Do you truly know God?
- Are you true and faithful to Him?
- God knows what our hearts are really like?
- Do we have a hope so sure?
- Examples
- The example of Jesus Christ
- We can come in Jesus' power and name
- We must put on Christ
- Then there is inexpressible joy
- Now is the time to turn to Jesus - there is fullness of joy in His presence