Old Llantrisant Hill
- Christmas is the most widely celebrated festival in the whole world but is often the most misunderstood festivals
- For many Christmas is about material things and not about Jesus Christ
- Some people do think about the nativity
- Some people think Christmas is about peace - but peace amongst men
- The thought of God coming into the world to rescue them from a state of hostility with God is not in people's minds
- We want to put Christ back into Christmas
- 1 Tim 1:15 speaks about what Christmas is all about
- "This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief."
- Last week we were considering Paul's previous behaviour but God had changed him
- In Paul's time there were people who had committed worse crimes but Paul considered himself the worse of all sinners
- Paul had persecuted the Christian church
- Paul is staggered that God had mercy on him
- Paul committed his sin in ignorance but God was gracious to him
- God counted Paul worthy that he should be put into the ministry to save others
- Paul encourages others in v16
- Paul was vehemently opposed to the gospel but God had transformed his life
- Therefore no-one is without hope
- Paul's life is a pattern to all those who are going to believe
- It is a wonderful statement of truth but also a personal statement
- Paul breaks out in praise in v17
- Usually the doxology is at the end of the book, but Paul puts it here
- Caeser Augustus was King
- A time when Quirinus was governor of Syria
- Shepherds were there testifying, men came from the East, Mary was there, Joseph could say I was thinking of putting Mary away
Christmas is all about a person
- Jesus came from heaven
- Jesus is eternal - if we don't understand He has no beginning or end then we have no saviour
- If we just think that Jesus is like any other man we have no salvation
- John 3:13, 31; 8:23
- Can we really grasp the condescension of Christ Jesus?
- Of what it meant to come down to earth
- To leave the splendour of heaven
- To be born of a virgin woman
- The second person of the Trinity became something He had never been
- He joined Himself to mankind forever
- He came into a dark, rebellious world full of opposition and sin
- The Virgin birth is so important
- If Jesus had been born of natural descent, of Joseph and Mary, He would have been born of sin
- Jesus was the only human being who ever lived without sin
- He took our sin at the cross, but was never a sinner
- He gave up many of His divine attributes and limited Himself
- The prophecies of the Old Testament were all fulfilled
- He had no earthy father
- He was in the order of Melzideck
- The Christ was the anointed one of God, the a Messiah
- The Jews understood what this meant
- Christ came as a King to rule, to set up His own spiritual Kingdom
- He came as a priest to represent His own people
- He came as a prophet - the Word became flesh
- He came as the mouthpiece of God
- He is the "way and the truth"
- Prophecies were fulfilled
- Gen 3:15 - the 'Seed'
- Micha 5:2 - born in Bethlehem
- Psalms - born of the house of David
- Isa 7:14 - Born of a virgin
- Isa 9:6 - Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace
- Ps 7:10
- Hosea 11:1 - called out of Egypt
- Jer 31:15 - the terrible events surrounding His death
- Luke's Gospel - the Lineage of Jesus through Mary
- Matthew's Gospel - the Lineage of Jesus through Joseph
This person has a definite purpose
- Jesus is a popular name and derives from the Old Testament name Joshua
- Who needs saving?
- The people in Australia did
- The school children in Pakistan did
- People on an isolated mountain top
- God saw this world in grave danger
- He sent Jesus on a great rescue mission
- Jesus gave His life to save people
- We are born in sin and are condemned by this
- God must punish all sin, He cannot sweep it under the carpet
- It is no good if the Christian church simply preaches 'goodwill to all men' at Christmas - we must understand the really meaning
- Example of goodwill between the homeless man and the young lady
- But this does not deal with the issue of sin
- God's standards are very high
- If we fail at one point in God's law we break the whole law
- This is why we need a saviour
- Jesus was a mediator between God and man
- Jesus had never sinned and was infinite so could bear the judgement and wrath of God
- Jesus was able to say "it is finished"
- All that believe in Him have eternal life
This all needs to be very personal for us
- Have you believed in Jesus Christ?
- What does it mean for you?
- For the apostle Paul it was very personal
- Unless we see our sin and guilt, there is no saviour
- If we recognise the peril, we can be saved
- Paul came to an understanding of his sin and was saved
- Go from the tinsel of the Christmas tree to another tree, a tree of blood
- Go to the greatest message of all
- Go beyond the trappings of Christmas and look to the eternal Son of God