Old Llantrisant Hill
- Has there ever been an evening like this?
- The Angels said they brought 'Good news of great joy'
- Angels had previously appeared to Abraham, Jacob and Manoah
- Never had a whole host of angels appeared to men
- The Christmas story is full of the supernatural
- Zechariah the priest
- Mary the Virgin
- Joseph has a dream
- A supernatural star pointing to the place of the Messiah's birth
The Hillside
- The shepherds - uneducated men, taking it in turns to look after the sheep
- The Angels appeared about them
- The Angels bring the majesty of heaven
- No wonder the men feared!
- Why did God appear to such simple and poor men?
- He did not appear to the religious elite, to a political figure or man of influence
- In these days shepherds were often despised
- The whole message of Christmas is about glory and simplicity
- God is not the God of the above but the ordinary man
- God delights to choose the poor of this world and make them rich in faith, to take the lowly things of the world and exalt them
- God chooses the foolish things of the world to shame the wise
- The message is for all people, none are excluded
- The disciples were simple uneducated fisherman
- They followed Christ and turned the world upside down
- Jesus mixed with the prostitutes, with the tax collectors and with the sinners
- Have you ever had a sense of the presence of God
- A Saviour has been born
- He is the Christ, the Lord
- God was not leaving humanity in its sin but God sent His Son into the world
- He was without sin
- He was born of a virgin - pure and spotless
- With God nothing is impossible
- God made the world and individuals
- We are amazing beings
- It is nothing for God to send His Son into the world
- The heavenly host of angels saw the Lord Jesus
- Now they could truly cry 'peace to the earth'
- Do we believe this message?
The Stable
- They find a young couple
- We are not sure exactly what the stable was
- There was no room for them in the inn
- Maybe an annex, maybe a cave
- It was a simple basic place
- Jesus was born to simple parents from a despised town in Galilee
- Mary:
- Mary was exalted and she understood this
- Mary was staggered that she should be chosen
- Mary knew she was a sinner, she called out 'my Saviour'
- Joseph:
- Joseph was a man of tremendous integrity
- Was minded to put Mary away secretly but wanted to protect her
- The angel speaks to him and reassures him
- There was no halo on the Lord Jesus
- He was a normal human baby
- Yet He was God
- The shepherds must have had some sense this was God as they tell everyone afterwards
- How do you view Jesus today?
- Christ came for all people
- He came to die on a cross
- The stable was important speaking of Jesus' simplicity, of the fact He had 'no where to lay His head'
- 'There is no room at the inn'
- People cry out there is no room for You in our hearts and lives
- Still people reject Jesus
- Have you come to the stable and bowed?
- The shepherds told everybody
- There was a power with their message and all men marvelled
- There was no mocking, laughing or back talking
- It is not enough to marvel, to be touched and moved
- The message must sink down into your heart and change you life
Into the World
- Started with the shepherds
- Went out to the fisherman
- Went out across the world
- Many are responding
- God is working in the hearts of men and women
- Wales has forgotten God and many in other countries are worshipping Him
- May God turn hearts back to Him