John writes a letter to the disciples of Asia minor and cannot but help break out with the words from verse 1
Today is Father's Day
For some it is a day of great joy, for others sadness
Let us think about our Heavenly Father
One who is constant and whose love never fails
Jesus had referred to John as a son of thunder
He became the apostle of love
He had experienced the Father's love and so could help break out with the words 'behold what manner of love'
John was writing to Asia minor
He was conscious that the believers had previously worshiped idols
However, the apostles came and the world was turned upside down
Churches were planted
Many early Christians were persecuted because they loved the Lord Jesus Christ
They propagated the message that Jesus had come into the world to die for our sins
It is all through love ... that we can be children of God
Who are the children of God?
Paul says we are all God's offspring - Acts 17
This verse speaks in a very different way
E.g. v10 refers to the children of God and the children of the devil
The child of the devil practices wickedness and unrighteousness
Cain had a murderous heart
He had an angry heart and murdered his brother because he offered a better sacrifice
Those bound in bitterness and hatred and do not love are not the children of God
The Bible speaks of two different types of children:
Compare Hannah's son (Samuel who was dedicated to the temple and became a prophet of God) and Eli's sons (Hophni and Phinehas who prostituted themselves)
Psalm 1 picks up on this
There are those who love God and delight in God's word
There are those who reject God and mock His word
Which are you this morning?
Have you experienced God?
Can you say I know whom I have believed - do you have assurance in your heart?
How do you become a child of God?
To as many as receive Jesus, they become the children of God
What is so amazing about becoming a child of God?
They recognised that they were a long way off from God
They recognised that they were Separated from God
Their lives had been changed
E.g. of David Beckham - 'I am very selfish'
Have you ever reached that conclusion as you've thought about your life?
We are all selfish if we are really honest
The bible calls us sinners
Even though we were sinners God put us first and Christ died for us
When we are overwhelmed with God's love we confess our sins before Him
Have we understood the height, the depth, the width, the length of God's love
Have we realised that Christ was willing to go to the cross for our sins?
John 3:5 - Can you deal with your sin problem?
We cannot deal with our sin problem but Jesus can
John 5:1 - God will give you a new birth
No man can call God Father until he becomes part of that family
This is a divine birth
If you are to know God you must be born again
John 4:10 - This work was started in the heart of God
God has turned to us
Christ has come to be a propitiation (a wrath bearer) for our sin
God is a just God that doesn't sweep justice under the carpet - He places the judgement on Christ