Old Llantrisant Hill
- We all like a happy ending
- Chapters 1-3 are encouraging
- After v4 we discover some scary things
- Eliashib had given Tobiah the storerooms within the house of God
- The Levites are no longer serving
- The temple had been neglected
- The people are trading on the sabbath day
- There has been intermarriage with other peoples (to the extent that some of the children can no longer speak the Jewish language)
- This is a disappointing end to the book
- What was the real cause of God's people back sliding?
- In part due to the failure of the spiritual leadership
The Reasons for Compromise
- Why did Eliashib give Tobiah a place in the store room?
- Tobiah had tried to kill Nehemiah
- Eliashib was possibly related to Tobiah - 6:18, 4:13
- The nobles were often not in favour with Nehemiah - 13:28
- Eliashib became compromised through family connections
- The church of Christ can become compromised through unholy associations
- What is more important to you, the blood ties of your family or giving glory to God
- Eliashib may have become unhappy with Nehemiah's leadership
- Nehemiah returned back to the King
- Perhaps he felt that Nehemiah had been too dominant and too strong
- Perhaps he felt overlooked and was upset with Nehemiah
- Perhaps he felt this was his chance to do things in his own way
- Humility is the first prerequisite for leadership
- Deacons within the church must be servants
- Eliashib was backsliden
- He may have been the High Priest but he was back slidden
- The word of God was not important to him
- He self justifies his decisions
- Happens little by little, one small compromise leading to another small compromise
- We must be careful about keeping up appearances
- We must think of the consequences of our decisions and actions
- How does my compromise affect others?
- When we backslide we need to cast out all that is wrong
The Response to Compromise
- How do we overcome, how did Nehemiah overcome?
- God provided a solution, a man of strong convictions
- Nehemiah must surely have felt hurt and been deeply disappointed on his return
- Perhaps he was disillusioned with them
- Nehemiah does not leave them to their situation and return to his own life
- This was all the more remarkable given his personal hurt
- Paul was prepared to suffer hurt to glorify the name of God
- Moses was rejected nine times before Pharaoh relented
- Do we give up when we face discouragement?
- Nehemiah never gave up when the people said it couldn't be done and that they had no resources
- Nehemiah was concerned for the people of God and the holiness of God
- Nehemiah dealt harshly with the people
- He threatened the people outside of the gate
- He pulled out people's hair and struck people
- He casts out someone else's property
- Sometimes we must deal strongly with sin
- Nehemiah recognises sin for the evil that it is - 13:7
- God willing we will never face such a situation
- When there are things in our life that are wrong we must acknowledge this, repent of this
- We must not get entangled in the lives of non-Christians
- Do we tolerate sin or do we confront it?
- The room was cleansed and replaced with the articles of God - 13:9
- Bad leadership replaced with good leadership - 13:10-13
- Wise leadership will confront sin and bring solutions to situations
- You and I might have questions for Nehemiah
- Sometimes things happen outside of our control
- It reminds of us of the need for godly and prayerful leadership
- It is a reminder that the work is never done
- We must be careful about unhelpful associations