Old Llantrisant Hill
- Exam times for students
- With some subjects you might partially understand but not fully understand
- Perhaps a friend comes along to explain it to you and open your eyes
- The disciples were slow learners
- Their thinking was blurred
- Their vision was hazy
- They understood something about Jesus Christ
- The disciples worshiped Jesus when He calmed the storm, but doubted at other times
- They did not understand about the feeding of the 5000 and the 4000
- They were not seeing spiritual realities but were taken up with earthly matters
- They were thinking about the teaching of the pharisees and Herod
- Jesus taught them (Matt 16:12) and the disciples did understand
- Jesus heals a blind man
- Jesus challenges the disciples on who He is
- Peter comes to an understanding and proclaims that Jesus is the Christ
- To date nobody has confessed that Jesus is the Christ, even though He has done many miracles
- Peter now has clear sight
- This revelation came from God the Father - Matt 16:17
- Jesus goes on to teach the disciples about His death and resurrection but their vision is hazy again
- Are we like this in our spiritual life?
A blind man is healed
- This healing is only recorded by Mark - not recorded by Matthew, Luke and John
- The only record of one person being healed in two stages
- Jesus' healing is usually instantaneous
- This healing was different
- Jesus spat on the ground and touched his eyes, then Jesus asked 'what can you see'
- Jesus touches his eyes again and his sight is totally restored
- Why did Jesus heal in two stages?
- Because He had a lesson to teach
- The miracles are a picture of spiritual realities
- People would often see in part - People don't often have a road to Damascas experience but a gradual drawing
- This is encouraging for believers - we are all slow learners and learn in part, for we will know fully when we are with Him
Private Encounter
- He was visiting Bethsaida
- The family brought out a blind man to Jesus and begged Him to touch him
- Jesus takes him by the hand and leads him out of the town
- Personal contact with the Saviour
- Kind, gentle, tender, loving
- Why did Jesus take him out of the town and make this a private encounter?
- Jesus understood his need - some of us do not like public situations
- Jesus respects his dignity, his fears and his needs
- His primary work was never miracles
- He did not want people to follow Jesus because of the miracles
- He did not want people to follow Him because they wanted something from Him
- He did not want people to follow Him for false reasons
- Why have we come to church this morning?
- Have we come to worship
- We need to realise that Jesus wants a private encounter with each one of us
- If you are not a Christian, realise that people have been praying earnestly for you
- The Lord Jesus doesn't come to embarrass anybody
- He comes quietly to your own soul
- You can meet with Jesus in the place where you sit
Personal Encounter
- The word in Greek means spit into His eyes
- This seems quite crude to us
- To be blind is a terrible thing, but we could hear
- What if we could see but couldn't hear?
- This man couldn't see, he was cut off from society, he was in darkness
- Jesus was saying that He was going to do something, that He was going to heal him
- There was vital contact with the living Saviour
- Becoming a Christian is not just learning a set of doctrines
- Becoming a Christian is to know God
- We must receive Him personally
- Has He changed our life?
- Examples of Colonel Sanders, founder of KFC
- You must be born again
Two-fold healing method
- There was an initial healing
- Previously he could not see anything but afterwards he could see something (but not detail)
- Then he was restored and saw everyone clearly (v25)
- This implies he wasn't blind from birth, but lost his sight and now received it again
- He could recognize what a tree was
- This was a gradual, slow, two-stage process
- The blind man would never forget it
- The disciples would never forget it
- Do you believe that God has to work in a particular way?
- This two-fold miracle is a picture of what it means to understand
- We often understand gradually - not all at once
- One of the signs of the coming Messiah was that He would open the eyes of the blind
- Isa 35:4-5
- Luke 4:18
- Matt 11:3
- The messiah would heal the blind - yet the disciples did not understand, taking so long for the penny to drop
- This should teach us to be patient with one another
- Why are they not a Christian yet?
- Why don't they believe?
- When we believe, how should we go on
- 2 Pet 1:5-9
- Add virtue to faith
- Add knowledge
- Add self-control
- Add godliness
- Add brotherly kindness
- Add love
- If we lack these things we are short sighted
- As Christians lets go on, lets make progression