Great sacrifice, great joy, great impact
Setting the scene
- Dedicating the wall
- Prepared a wonderful service - two vast choirs
- They processed along the walls and played different instruments
- Ezra and Nehemiah were in two different processions and met in the temple
- They offered many sacrifices and rejoiced with much joy (v43)
- The joy of Jerusalem was headed a far off (v43)
- There is a time and place for rejoicing
- James 4 - joy turned to gloom
- This was a season of joy
- The walls were built in 52 days
- They heard from the word
- They celebrated before The Lord
- They wept and confessed their sins
- They made a covenant (chapter 11) and the people moved back in to Jerusalem
- They dedicate the walls to God
The characteristics of a restored people (v43) ...
Great Sacrifices
- Not to intermarry with foreigners
- Wouldn't trade with foreigners on the Sabbath
- They wouldn't neglect the house of God
- The first fruits of the ground, tree, cattle, flocks and children were to be given to God
- A tithe was to be given to the house of God to support the Levites
- Systematic giving to the work of God
- Principles of giving: 2 Cor 8-9
- Always give first to The Lord
- The peoples were called to give to the temple and the store houses
- The early church gave to the apostles
- We are to support the local church
- A tithe is never commanded in the New Testament, it is a sacrificial giving
- They couldn't have been a town in boom or of plenty and yet they gave great sacrifices to The Lord
- The Macedonians gave out of their poverty
- The early church shared what they had and contributed to their fellow saints
- Generosity is one of the signs of a revived people
- It is more blessed to give than to receive
Great Joy
- The people in the 1804 revival could not stop singing
- This joy is not contrived or put on on
- It is not due to the instruments or the festive atmosphere
- God made them rejoice
- We should never be characterised by sadness but by joy
- The Jews could still be joyful even though they were surrounded by their enemies
- Ps 27:6
- God's joy can be known independent of
personal circumstances - When the Christian is secure, God strengthens their joy
- The choir
- 1 Chronicles 16:42
- These were the instruments of God
- 2 Chronicles 29:25 - these instruments were commanded by God
- Cymbals, strings
and the harp - This was the worship of God
- 2 Chronicles 30:21 - they sang loudly
- The Levites and priests purified themselves before they worshipped
- The people sang Psalms upon the walls
- We don't know which psalms they sung
- Consider Psalm 135 or 136
- There is a time to hear the word of God and there is a time to praise
- The great goal of the church is worship - John Piper
- Phil 3:1 - to rejoice in God is a blessing
Great Impact
- "The joy of Jerusalem was heard afar off"
- God loves the praise of all types of people
- Think of the singing and joy people give to football
- Have we not got greater things to give God praise and worship for?
- What is the church known for?
- What impact does the church have?
- When revival comes the world is turned upside down and people know about it
Have we not got a glorious message - the good news of Jesus Christ