Parable of the Lost Sheep
- Coming to the fourth discourse (there are five discourses)
- Parable is in the context of v1-14
- A recurrent theme:
- We must become as little children (v3, 5)
- We must not despite 'little ones' (v6, 10)
- The application of the parable speaks of 'little ones' (v14)
- Jesus taught this parable on different occasions:
- Luke - tax collectors and prostitutes (Jesus came for the unbeliever)
- Matthew - a different emphasis (Jesus also came for the believer who is going astray)
- The salvation of the lost
- The restoration of the fallen believer
- Overview:
- Human lostness
- Divine love
- Life's lessons
Human lostness
- Why are we like sheep?
- Sheep are silly
- Sheep need a shepherd
- Sheep when lost don't seek to find their way home
- Sheep are particularly vulnerable
- Sheep easily lead each other astray
- Sheep are valuable
- Sheep are stubborn
- Do you see human nature in this?
- The Bible says "all have like sheep have gone astray"
- Examples
- We are all sinners - "the wages of sin is death"
- Sheep are very vulnerable
- Jesus sees sinners as vulnerable
- We see Jesus' pity and love
- God sticks closer than a brother
- Sheep are foolish - we damage themselves and others
Divine love
- Sheep are brought near by God's divine love
- God is the Good Shepherd
- The parable is about the Good Shepherd and the lengths He will go to bring the sheep home
- We see the ministry of Jesus - Examples
- God is in the business of saving individual sinners
- When people fall Jesus goes after them (e.g. Simon Peter)
- There is rejoicing over the sheep that was found
- Example of the lost cat
- People within the church are being prayed for regularly
- Hymn - Quote
Life's lessons
- Jesus is the friend of sinners - we must be the friend of sinners
- Example
- We must become like a little child (v3)
- Humble, not about status, total trust
- We must humble ourselves (v4)
- We must be servants, to be like John the Baptist
- We do everything in the name of Christ and despise no-one (v5, 10)
- Examples (of despising others)
- We must not cause others to stumble (v6)
- Examples
- We must be very serious about sin (v7-9)
- Jesus is making an extreme point about sin [not a literal reference]
- Jesus saves us from sin (although we still sin, holiness is the desire of our life)
Closing Remarks