Sent to Preach
- Please turn to Romans 10
- Example of Charles Wesley
- The passage is all about the Gospel, the need for preachers (v14)
- The preachers need to be sent - a lifelong calling to preach the word of God
- Overview:
- The Need of Gospel Preachers
- The Message of Gospel Preachers
- The Response to the Gospel Preacher
The Need of Gospel Preachers
- There is an absolute need for preaching the gospel
- Not just in foreign tribes but in Britain too
- People are saved through faith (in God)
- Faith comes by hearing
- Eph 2:8-9
- 1 Pet 1:23 - you must be born again (through a living word)
- James 1:18
- At times God speaks directly to the people
- The Apostle Paul
- People in the New Testament have dreams and visions
- Jesus always speaks
- We are all to be able to teach the gospel
- There are those that must have a constraint and calling from God to preach the word
- They must be verified by the church, ordained and sent out
- Preachers must be evangelists
- Each has a sphere and calling - examples
- The apostle Paul would never build on another mans foundation
- Paul's desire was to go where the gospel was not being preached
- If you are called to preach you will not be satisfied with anything else
- Example of Joseph the Masai Warrior
- Quote from Luther
- "As the Father sent Me, so I am sending You"
The Message of Gospel Preachers
- A "gospel of peace"
- A message of hope
- It can bring reconciliation between rebels and God
- The paradox of God being near us, even though we are far from Him
- People are on the brink of salvation
- They need only confess with their mouth and believe in the heart
- It is an awful thought that people are on the road to destruction but we have a gospel of hope
- "Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved" (v13)
- Good news
- No works
- Our message:
- Christ crucified
- Not great words or oratory but the power of Christ
- Focussed on Christ alone
- All about Jesus Christ
The Response to the Gospel Preacher
- The response has not been favourable from Israel
- This was prophesied by Isaiah (v16 - cf. Is 53:1)
- They have heard God's 'general revelation' - Psalm 19
- God's voice is heard and seen in creation
- The message had gone out throughout the known world and no-one could say they had not heard
- Are people without excuse today?
- They will be judged differently
- Paul's desire was that Israel would be saved
- The salvation of the Gentiles should provoke some of the Jews to salvation (11:13-14)
- Isaiah is very bold, in that he is talking about grace (v20)
- God has held out His hands to the people
- They rejected His privileges
- Is the UK like this?
- Think of the revivals and now empty chapels
- Yet God is still raising up men
- The Jews were rejecting but the Gentiles were crowding into the Kingdom
- Applications:
- Prayer - pray for the sending of preachers
- A new mentality - not just about preservation but advancement
- Support Gospel workers - 3 John 6
- Living the Christian life
Closing Remarks