Empathy & Sympathy
- Story of the two brothers
- The difference between them is that one was one was a Christian
- As a result he sought to treat others well
- Living as a Christian
- 12:13 - How you treat other people
- 12:14 - Bless others
- 12:17 - Live peacefully
- As Christians we must act differently to those in the world
- Looking at v15-16 - Empathy and sympathy
- A sensitive heart (v15)
- A humble mind (v16)
- Overview: as above
A Sensitive Heart
- No-one was more sympathetic and empathetic than Jesus Christ
- We saw that this morning with the oil of gladness
- Examples
- The Lord Jesus wants us to have a heart like His
- Our hearts can be moved and our hearts can be cold
- It is easier to weep with others rather than rejoice with others
- If we want Him to be glorified we must think how He would act
"Rejoice with those who rejoice"
- Paul's joy was bound up with the people of God
- Rom 16:19
- Surely this should be the same of us?
- 1 Thess 3:9
- We ought not to have a competitive spirit
- Every member of the Church is necessary and of equal worth
- 1 Cor 12:12-27
- We must pray that God takes away any sinful thoughts or attitudes
"Weep with those who weep"
- If we bear the burdens of others - we fulfill the law of Christ
- Story of Mr Bailey
- It is better to weep and pray for those who are suffering rather than eulogise
- Matt 7:12
- Rom 15:2
- Phil 2:4
- 1 Cor 13:5
A Humble Mind
Seek to have the same mind
- The Greek expression for harmony: to think the same thing
- There should be agreement amongst us in terms of our minds
- One spirit and one mind - united on the essentials: examples
- Secondary issues where there might be disagreement: examples
- The Bible wants us to speak with one mind and heart
- Rom 15:5
- 1 Cor 1:10
- Phil 2:2-3
Associate with the humble
- In the Church of Jesus Christ there is no room for social aristocracy or favouritism
- James challenges the Church over this
- The lowly things ought to have a force of attraction for the Christian
- Luke 14:12-14
No intellectual pride
- No room for pride, conceit or inflated opinion
- Prov 3:7
Closing Remarks
(inc Rom 15:7)