A prayer for the Messiah’s reign
- Looking at Psalm 72 over the next 3 weeks
- Put your Trust in God
- Two verses from different Psalms
- We do not trust in governments to solve the solution of society
- We trust in God alone to bring righteousness and peace in the nation
- Example of the Apostle Paul
- Psalm 72
- A prayer of David (v22)
- A psalm of Solomon (v1)
- It would appear the Solomon is recording David's prayers [as a Psalm]
- Solomon seeks a righteous reign
- The Psalm speaks about David's Son [Jesus Christ]
- Cf v11, 15, 17
- Overview: (How we ought to pray)
- A Prayer for Righteousness (v1-4)
- A Prayer for Christ to reign (v5-14)
- A Prayer for His glory (v15-17)
A Prayer for Righteousness (v1-4)
- What are our prayers like?
- Examples
A prayer for righteousness (v1-2)
- There is so much unrighteousness in the world
- Do we have a cry for righteousness in the land?
- Deut 17
- A prayer for God's perfect standards to be in the nation
- Remember Solomon's prayer
- He asked for wisdom
- Have you prayed for righteousness not just for the nation but for yourself?
- Explanation of righteousness in Jesus Christ
- Bow your knee to Jesus and believe that He lived and died for you
- Then you will live a righteous life
The effects of righteousness (v3-4)
Righteousness (v3)
- Peace is going to flow down into a nation by righteousness
- Picture language
- If we want people to live in peace and joy, this can only come through righteousness
- Maybe it is speaking of bandits in the mountains, who should also be saved?
- The picture builds up
- v16 - there will be blessing in unusual places
- The psalm speaks of better times to come
- Example of Godliness in our nation
- E.g. Westminster confession of faith
- Quote from George Whitfield
- Many Christians think that the world is getting worse but forget the teaching of Scripture
- We must live with hope and the expectation of better days
- Maybe you are struggling with other issues
- Do you believe that God can work even in these areas?
- Do you believe that God can bring peace into this nation
Justice (v4)
- God will act in a just manner
- We must not look to man but look to God
- Just to the poor and needy
Prayer for Christ to reign (v5-14)
- This cannot be a prayer just for Solomon
- It is a desire for Christ to Reign
- 18th Century - a revival in Wales
- "But a dawn of a brighter day"
- There is more to come
- Isaac Watts Hymn: Jesus does reign
- Quote from Spurgeon
- This was David's hope, it is the Bible's hope, it should be our hope
- The will and shall (v4, 5, 6, 7)
- Do we prayer with faith?
- Refreshing showers of blessing (v6)
- The gospel comes to weary souls
- Explanation
- The effects of the gospel (v7)
- Righteousness and peace
- A millennial blessing
- Quote from Samuel Rutherford
- We don't put our trust in governments
- Quote from Spurgeon
- The dominion of Christ's reign (v8)
- He shall rule from the east to the west [all the land]
- Solomon's reign was not all encompassing but Jesus' reign is
- Ps 86:9
- Isa 2:2-4
- The dominion of Christ's reign in mankind (v9)
- All shall bow to Jesus - either voluntarily or they will be broken
- Those that reject Him will come under His severe punishment
- The adoration of God (v10-11)
- People will come from afar: from the far west and the deep south
- People will come to offer gifts to Christ
- A partial fulfillment in Solomon
- A complete fulfillment in Christ
- Isa 60:3-4, also v5,9
- The prophets saw a day when people would come from every nation to worship Jesus Christ
- All kings shall worship Christ (v11)
- All nations will worship Christ (v11-14)
Prayer for His glory (v15-17)
- Christ lives by the power of an endless life
- Continual prayer shall be made to and for Jesus Christ
- We pray for His gospel to prosper
- We pray for His fame to spread
- We pray for the multitudes to bow before Him
- We pray for His name to be lifted up
- We pray for Him to rule in the hearts of men and women
- We pray for His glory
- Daily He shall be praised
- The world praises celebrities
- Will the world praise Jesus Christ?
- Is this the longing of your soul - to prise Jesus Christ?
Closing Remarks