Old Llantrisant Hill
- A very practical part of Scripture
- Last week we looked at v1-5
- All are to be subject to the governing authorities (v1)
- Those who resist the authority resist God (v2)
- Government is there to promote law and punish crime (v3)
- Government is there as God's minster for good (v4)
- Be subject for conscience sake (v5)
- This evening looking at v6-7
- Paying Taxes
- Giving honour to whom honour is due
- Paying Taxes:
- Often large companies try to avoid paying tax
- To do with the love of money
- Taxes are for our benefit
- The spirit towards those who are over us:
- Fear and honour
- We should criticise politicians were appropriate, but be respectful to those in authority
- Reading: v6-7
- Overview:
- Background details
- Old Testament passages
- Jesus' teachings
Background Details
- The Israelites 'tax'
- The Israelites were required to pay a tenth of their produce to the Priests and Levites
- To support the religious system
- To support the judicial system
- They are to give a tenth to maintain the three main festivals
- To give 20% overall
- To also pay a temple tax of half a shekel (Ex 30)
- Other taxes: e.g. those with fields
- Some were paying up to 25%
- In the Old Testament there was no separation between government and religion
- In the New Testament the church was ruled over by the Romans
- The Romans had a 'poll tax'
- There was an income tax, a wagon tax, a bridge tax, customs taxes, etc
- The Jewish people were in revolt - they could not pay two sets of taxes (under the Old Testament and to the Romans)
- The Romans slaughtered over a million Jews because of this
- What about the new Christians?
Old Testament Passages
- Let us see God's view
- Deut 17:14-20 - God's teaching on a king:
- He was to be a just man
- He was not there to get rich
- He was there to be a blessing to the people
- 1 Sam 8
- Israel ask for a king (though it is not God's plan)
- They got what they deserved
- Is that what happens in society today?
- Good rulers vs bad rulers
- The kings would take a tenth of the lands (and the people)
- They often put a heavy burden on people
- Not once are the people not called to pay their dues
- Taxes are for the good of the people
- Tax avoidance may not be illegal but is immoral
- We do get benefits from the government (e.g. Credits and gift aid)
Jesus' Teachings
- Matt 22:17-21
- Famous words, found also Mark 12:13-17 and Luke 20:20-26
- The Herodians sought to trap Him
- Scholars think this refers to the poll tax
- The word render (v21) means return to Caesar what he has given to them
- But to God the things that belong to God
- Not to obey evil
- Not to stop preaching the gospel
- We ought to pay taxes as it is a command given by Jesus Christ
- It is reinforced by the Apostle Paul
- Example of Aberystwyth man
- Brazil is known as a corrupt government
- There are circumstances where it is impossible to pay tax, but the principle remains
- We should be thankful for the benefits of our taxes:
- Education, health, roads & transport
- Rom 13:6-7
- Do we give honour where we can?
- Do we give thanks for our Queen?
- There is a place for righteous anger - we should still pray
- 1 Tim 2:1-3 - if we want to honour them we shall pray for them
- Matt 17:24-27
- Jesus and His disciples were no longer under the Old Testament model of taxes
- He was the Master of the house
- He was the Master of the sons of Abraham
- Jesus said to pay taxes
- Examples of Anabaptists, Menanites - it is not for us to say where our money goes
- Christians do not always give good examples
- We withhold money because of our love of it
- Why do we not pay back our debts?
- The only debt we should have is the debt of love
- Where is our heart?