The Battles of the King
- Concentrating on v3-7
- We live in times of relative peace
- We do know terrorism
- There are other concerns in our nation
- The solutions to our problems are not political but spiritual
- The problem is our nation turning its back on God
- The problem is in individuals
- We must pray for those Christians in politics
- The Psalm is about a God in heaven who is majestic in glory and splendor
- His Son Jesus Christ fights on behalf of truth, humility and justice
- He alone is the solution for Great Britain today
- We should pray v3-4
- Christ is establishing His invisible Kingdom in the nations
- Overview:
- A Prayer for Action (v3)
- A Vision of Victory (v4-5)
- A Contemplation of the King (v6-7)
A Prayer for Action (v3)
- How much do you believe that the Son of God is involved in the affairs of men?
- Is God a distant God?
- Is God like a clock maker?
- Is God like a grandfather?
- Do you see a God who is deeply involved and aggrieved by the affairs of men?
- Examples
- Our God can be known though Jesus Christ
- Our God is pictured as a warrior (v3)
- Take your sword - be ready for action
- Be ready to pray!
- We must ask God to act in the world
- Example of Gideon
- Do we see that the battle is the Lord's?
- A Prayer for Action
- God is not a weak God
A Vision of Victory (v4-5)
- Speaking about Jesus Christ (v2)
- v6 - quoted in Hebrews 1:8-9
- Jesus will defend truth, humility and righteousness - His arrows are sharp
- Rev 6:1-2
- Rev 19:11-16
- The Apostle had a fuller revelation than the Psalmist
- Do you see Christ as a might warrior, as Lord of the nations?
- Have you bowed your knee to Him?
- Have you surrendered your life to Him?
- The means of God are very different to the means of men
- Examples of rulers and governments
- Christ's way is very different (v4) - truth, humility and righteousness
- Examples of the rich and powerful
- Christ's death on the cross
- The sharp arrows (v5)
- The arrows of the law (which reveal our sin)
- Explanation
- The Gospel arrows
- Explanation
- The two edged sword that heals
- Example of dying man
- Has he conquered your heart?
A Contemplation of the King (v6-7)
- "Your throne, O God, is forever and ever" (v6)
- Heb 1:6-9
- Jesus is no demi-god (v6)
- Could there ever be a clearer verse about the deity of Jesus Christ? (V8)
- He is the God Man (v9)
- Who is Jesus to you?
- A moral man ...
- ... or God Himself
- A ruler, the head of His people
- "You love righteousness and hate wickedness" (v7)
- Was there ever a human that fulfilled this verse all the time?
- What a glorious person this is!
- This should make us shudder ... and think what a wonderful Saviour He is
- We must not harden our heart
- Come to Him now - do not put it off
- "anointed You with the oil of gladness"
- God is joyful
- God wants us to know joy [in Him]
Closing Remarks