October 22, 2023


Passage: John 2:12-22
Service Type:


A passage that is very searching
How would you describe the UK today?

Example – never heard a parable
Most never go to Sunday School or church
We live in a Biblically illiterate age
They do not understand about God or reverence Him
Christianity is in the background

Where is the failure?

Starts with us as a Church
We have failed to be salt and light
Have we compromised?

We know there are many churches that no longer believe the Bible

Does the temple need to be cleansed before society can be changed?

Jesus cleansed the temple

They had turned it into a place of merchandise – a money making raquet
A very strong passage

It follows on from the previous passage where Jesus brings the joy of the gospel

Jesus’ role was also to challenge

A very courageous act

Not afraid of the temple police
Pours out the money and overturns the tables
Righteous anger – not sinful anger
What the people were doing was sacrilege/blasphemy against God

Drastic deeds needed drastic action


Confronting False Worship
Establishing True Worship

Confronting False Worship (v13-17)

v13 – Jesus went up to Jerusalem for the Passover

Because He was a Jew

He kept the ordinances of God (e.g. feasts)

He went up to confront those desecrating the Temple

He knew the state of the Temple
He deliberately chose this time

Humanly this might not seem good
But Jesus is the Son of God

Do you remember the ‘Tent of Meeting’ / Travelling Tabernacle

God’s glory descended on this Tabernacle

Later Solomon builds a Temple

The glory of God descends
The Temple is dedicated to the worship of God
At the centre was the ‘Holy of Holies’

Later destroyed by Herod
The Jews had turned the temple into a market

People making money

Jesus cleansed the temple twice – at the beginning and the end of His ministry

The Jews were corrupt
There was already corruption at the time of Malachi
Jesus called the a "den of thieves"

Profiteering over sacrifices
Profiteering over exchange rates
The Romans found a huge amount of money when the temple was destroyed

Probably using the gentile court
Targeting the poor – v16

His actions must have stunned the people

Yet no-one stopped Him – their morals condemned them

How do we apply this today?

Do churches make money?

The established churches are very rich
Those who preach a false message of the prosperity gospel
God is angry

Should we be angry or turn a blind eye?

Jesus has righteous anger

Always measured
Actions speak louder than words

Ps 69:9

What about us?

Ecc 5:1-2

Come reverently, ready to hear, have few words
Be like Mary and sit at the Saviour’s feet
Don’t rush into the presence of God – prepare yourself

Isa 56:7

The Temple was to be a place of prayer for all nations
There are no holy buildings – we are the temple of God
However, our church is to be a place of prayer for everyone

We are not to exclude others
We are to pray for all nations
We are to come to Missionary meetings

Do we see the wrong in our own hearts?

How zealous for God are we?

Our bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit

Have we allowed our bodies to become polluted?

Establishing True Worship (v18-22)

The Jews want a sign/miracle to establish Jesus’ authority

Jesus offered His resurrection as a sign

They did not understand His answer – they were thinking of the physical temple
Only after the resurrection did the disciples understand Jesus’ wordds

Jesus had come to replace the Temple

He was the Temple of the living God

John 1:14 – Jesus dwelt ("tabernacled") amongst us

He was the presence of God

You meet with God through Jesus

We have become the temple of God – through Jesus Christ
John 4 (the Samaritan woman) – no physical place of worship, but in spirit and truth

What about us?

Do we mean the words we sing?


Jesus came to give us life to the full

We need cleansing first from Jesus Christ – if we come to Him sincerely
Ask for help to give your life over to Jesus

Prov 3:9-10

Honour the Lord – because you love Him
He will bless you (not in prosperity)
We may please God in all things