Do not be Unequally Yoked
Another challenging passage – v14
To consider what this means ‘do not be unequally yoked’
We need to ask God to search our hearts
Heb 12:1 – to lay aside every weight and snare
Sin strangles the Christian, it can become woven around our hearts, it becomes a web of sin
Some very plain speech – do not be unequally yoked, all ungodly associations, anything that will bind and corrupt you
Paul has become concerned for the Corinthians
They have become quiet
They are not opening up with him – almost cutting him off
Paul wants them to be open with him
Paul is being open with them
Paul says there is a paradox about he and the disciples – v8-10
Paul wants them to be separate from all worldly standards
He uses Old Testament verses
Do not be unequally yoked
Not just marriage
Pagan festivals
1 Cor 11 – too much wine (maybe at parties)
Things that seemed neutral that weren’t – but pagan
What this does not mean
What is does mean
How it applies to us
What this does not mean
That you cannot associate or have friends with non-Christians
1 Cor 5:9-11
In the Church – to separate yourself from believers who are acting immorally or sinfully
Pray for them, call them to repent
There might be limits on friendship with non-Christians
Not just speaking about marriage but idolatry and immorality
How can you go to temples and participate in pagan worship?
How can you pray with parents to idols?
7:1 – Paul commanded the Corinthians to cleanse themselves
What is does mean
Paul borrows Old Testament imagery
Deut 22:10 – A donkey should not be unequally yoked to an ox
The ox may damage the donkey
If you enter into binding situations, you can become damaged or corrupted
When you become a Christian – your lifestyle must change
It does mean choice of marriage partner – since this is the deepest tie
You become one with your spouse – joined by God
Why would a believer want to join with an unbeliever – two fundamentally different world views
People may think God will save their spouse – He may
Often the unbeliever drags the believer away from God
1 Cor 7, 1 Pet 3 – you will always have Christians married to non-Christians
Where one is saved and the other not
Not to separate but to witness to them
Fellowship, communion, accord, part, agreement – contrasted against …
Lawlessness, darkness, Belial, unbeliever
Christians are not superior – by God’s grace we are saved
Eph 5:5-11 – the Bible is very clear
1 Pet 4:3
What do you do if you see a Christian returning to this lifestyle?
Warn them
Pull them out of the fire
We are not to be conformed to the world but live a life of separation – v17
Are we separate, distinct, different?
Perfect holiness in the fear of God – 7:1
James 1:27
How it applies to us
As a church body
We are autonomous and self-governing
We have wider fellowship (with Gospel believing churches) – specifically within the AECW
We cannot have fellowship with those who deny the word of God – examples
We must be careful about those we accept into membership
As individuals
James 4:4
We cannot follow two masters:
God and this world
God and money – consider how much we are spending on ourselves vs what we are giving to the Lord
Are you different?
Do you value the huge sacrifice of Jesus Christ?
What difference does that mean in reality?
1 John 2:15-16
True satisfaction, life and joy is found in Jesus
The blessings of fellowship with God – v16,18
Do not be unequally yoked