October 29, 2023

Wheat and Tares

Passage: Matthew 13:18-30
Service Type:

N.B. Apologies that the audio can be quite loud

A parable
Jesus sometimes explained parables to His disciples
7 elements to this parable
This parable stood out to me in Sunday School


The heart of the parable – do we look and sound the part (as Christians)

Yet we are reminded there is no middle ground
Either children of the living God or children of the devil

Quite shocking in today’s culture
Quite shocking also in Chapel culture

Are you sure you are a child of God?

v36 – Jesus sends the multitude away to explain the parable to His disciples

1. He who sows – is the Son of Man (v37)

The Old Testament tells us who the Son of Man is – Jesus

He is the King, promised Messiah, Creator, Son of God, the Lord
He is the door way into heaven, the resurrection of life, the Alpha & Omega, the great I AM

2. The field is the world (v38)

A picture of the church in the world – not the world in the church

How God’s people live in the midst of a godless society
Example of Mr Williams – "being kept"

How the church functions and operates
How we as believers live in the world

3. The good seeds are the sons of the kingdom (v38)

We need a King – Jesus

4. The tares are the sons of the wicked one (v38)

The enemy is the devil (v39)
The enemy is at large, is real

Paul speaks about this

5. The harvest is the end of the age and the reapers are the angels (v39)

Believers are waiting the second coming of Jesus Christ

Example of social media
Many in today’s society are taken up with conspiracy theories
Yet the coming judgment is very real

Jesus will come again as judge

He will judge the nations with equity
God is sovereign over all things
Not as the first coming – where He came ‘silently’ as a Saviour
The second coming – as Judge
God will right all wrongs
There will be no middle ground – either ‘burned or balmed’

6. There will be a separation

We live in a sinful fallen world
We are all sinners
Example – ‘the right to remain’
Wheat & tares, sheep & goats – those who know the Lord & those who don’t, Christians & non-Christians, believers & unbelievers, those who acknowledge their sin and have trusted in the finished word of the Lord Jesus

7. A judgment of unbelievers (v41)
8. The righteous will shine forth (v43)


Quote from Augustine – because of the grace, love and mercy of God, today’s weeds [tares] can be tomorrows wheat

There is still hope because of God’s grace
We are to be God’s people and to exhibit the likeness of Jesus in all we do and say

To be salt and light

This can make a difference in the face of a godless society
How is God working in your life?

If we are Christians, do we understand our mission? – Quote from Anon – "to sow seed and not pull weeds"

The servants were not to pull up the tares
The mission of the church is to sow seed (not pull up weeds)

We need to be careful not to become judgmental
Do we try to pull up weeds in other people’s lives – and so damage and undermine God’s work and the gospel?
Wait for the harvest

Our work is gospel proclamation, godly/consistent living, living under God’s word, displaying the grace of Jesus Christ

Quote from hymn

Closing Remarks

God’s saving grace is available to all

This is a solemn and sober parable – speaking of judgment and Jesus’ coming again
We may die before this – are you prepared?
Will you be let into heaven because of Jesus?
What will be your answer?