October 29, 2023

Every Good Gift

Passage: James 1:1-18
Service Type:

N.B. Apologies that the audio can be quite loud

Key text v17-18
James is writing the letter to dispersed Jewish believers

They are experiencing times of difficulty
Various trials

James talks about trials and temptations


Do you feel discouraged tonight?

Believers may think that God will graciously order things for us to avoid all the pitfalls of the world

Often life can be more difficult that before we were saved
Life can be painful

God allows us to go through trials and testing … that we may mature in Him

Have these parents done a good thing for their child?
A loving parent must say no and withhold certain things

God doesn’t always give His children what they want but does provide for their needs

Example of Amy Carmichael (we heard this morning)

James is helping us realise that God is not in the business of withholding good things from us

Not the lie told in the Garden of Eden

This is what people want – to be in charge

Not causing people to doubt God’s word


The source is not the devil
We are tempted by our own desires (v14) – of our own sinful heart and nature
Quote from Robert Murray M’Cheyne – "every seed of sin can be found in his heart"

We sin because we are sinners
Left to our own devices – we would destroy our own heart
Quote from song

When we are saved, through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ

A work that only God can do has already begun
He has breathed the breath of life for us to respond to the gospel call
He fills our hearts with His Spirit
We are a new creation – but still prone to temptation

Because the old nature wars against the new nature
‘The old man warring within me’

CH Spurgeon – ‘two dogs fighting’

Are you feeding your new or old nature?
Think on good and heavenly things

Jesus was tempted

He is without sin – the eternal Son of God
At the cross – the sin of the people were laid on Jesus
The judgment of God fell on Jesus [instead of us]
Satan knew that Jesus was without sin

They only way he could tempt Jesus was through a personal encounter
The devil is not omnipresent
The devil knows if we feed the old man, temptation will come from within

Jesus was able to resist temptation

Tempted in all ways but without sin

When we are tempted – often we quickly give in

"Yield not to temptation"

Temptation is not sin

Jesus resisted this
We often give in to temptation, which then becomes sin

Good Gifts

Do not be deceived (v16)

God is not the source of sin or temptation … but every good and perfect gift (v17)

We understand good gifts

Example of food

Do we understand what is a perfect gift?

Something a person does not think they need – but it meets their deepest need

v4 – Patience is to have a perfect work: meets its need in your heart, life and circumstances

James is teaching us something about God’s character

It will help us and keep us in the midst of trials/temptations/times of testing

Many in the Bible went through times of testing – they withstood because they understood the character of God

He does not change or shift like the shadows – He is faithful and constant

Quote from song

Many of us have significant emotional needs (especially after Covid)

God knows and cares
He gives us perfect gifts that meet our deepest needs – sometimes physical, sometimes emotional, always spiritual

Authentic Christianity – when we realise our need of Him

To sustain us throughout life
Ecclesiastes – the highs and lows of life
‘The valley of the shadow of death’

The thing that keeps us – knowing that every perfect gift is from above and knowing the character of God

Quote from Arthur W Pink – God cannot change for the better or worse, He is perfect

v18 – God birthed in us new life – by His will

Eternal life
Principle of the firstfruits at harvest time

Jesus presents us as firstfruits to the Father
We belong to Him on account of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ

Do not get caught up in the ‘silly season’ – the perfect gift comes form heaven above

Jesus meets our deepest need
There is no-one apart from Christ who can meet our deepest need
There is no other name under heaven by which we must be saved
We are so blessed in Christ
Have you got Christ?