November 6, 2023

The Witness

Passage: John 1:6-8; 1:19-34
Service Type:


The events in the Middle East may disturbed you
There is also good news that we don’t here

The Church is growing fastest in Iran – over 1 million
The Brazilian church growing from <1% to >20% (25 million)
In Communist China – over 100 million
God’s Church is growing

What causes people to turn to Jesus Christ?

Is it merely disillusionment with their own ideology or country?
Why would they embrace the Bible and become followers of Jesus

It is a movement of God

A might awakening of God

John the Baptist was just one man

A great awakening occurred through him
Many went out to hear him and many were baptised, confessing their sins


The Movement of God
The Man of God
The Message of God

The Movement of God

Mark 1:5, Matt 3:5 – people went out to hear one man, drawn to his unequivocal message

The work was so great the religious leaders went to listen to him
This can only be explained as a might movement of God

Why did he baptise?

Evidently God had called him to this

An outward act of inward repentance

During the inter-testimental period Jews had started baptising Gentile

Not only to be circumcised (as commanded by Scripture)
But a symbolic washing – bathing Gentiles in water: a baptism

Therefore it was a huge thing to baptise the Jews

Example of Muslims
He used "much water" / The Ethiopian eunuch went down into the water

How do you explain this – it is a movement of God
What about John?

How did he dress – he wore rough camel skin
What was his diet – he ate locusts and wild honey
He had no way to advertise his message, there was no social media, no celebrity endorsement (the religious leaders certainly did not endorse him), he was the son of a Levite but had no study or name for himself

How do you explain it?

v6 – a man sent from God

God would make sure that people listened to Him

He was filled with the Holy Spirit from birth (an unusual childhood)

He was empowered by God

Not perfect

Matt 11:10-13

John the Baptist is like an Elijah

Matt 3:14

He acknowledged he was a sinner

We need God to move in great power today

We need God to raise up individuals – examples
Example of Brazil
A movement of God – stirring up His people

We need a great move of God today and His power

The Man of God

He wasn’t without blemish

He had doubts – wondering if Jesus truly was the Messiah when imprisoned – Matt 11:3
An ordinary man

Even like Elijah – an ordinary man who got very depressed

This should give us encouragement

He was humble

He was not interested in name or reputation – v19-23

He knew he was nothing without the grace of God

Not worthy

Even to take off Jesus’ sandals – v27
Example of Alun Johnson
This is the sort of person God uses – a humble person

People sort to provoke John – Jesus was baptising and people were coming to Him!

John 3:26-28,30

‘Jesus must increase, I must decrease’

Do we want to be noticed and concerned about our reputation?
Are we concerned about ourselves or Jesus’ name?
May we have a spirit like John the Baptist

A happy man

John 3:29

He is a friend of the bridegroom
He was happy to sit at Jesus’ feet and hear the voice of Jesus

Example of Mary

Are we sitting at the feet of Jesus?
Are we happy to hear His word?

A holy man

Set apart by God
Not a man pleaser

Example of politician

It is important to do what is true and right
There cannot be unity in untruth

Example of John’s true message

Bear fruits of repentance

A life separated to Christ – few possessions
We are not to copy John the Baptist’s ascetic but we can learn from him

He was not taken up with the things of the world
We are not to be covetous and building up treasures in the world
Maybe we need a simpler life
We are to go after Christ and not things

A challenge to you and me

The Message of God

Matthew, Mark and Luke emphasise the message of repentance
John’s gospel – the main message is pointing to Jesus Christ

The message of the Church – repent (examples) and trust/have faith in Jesus Christ
We are put right with God through Jesus Christ

Not about what we do for God – but what He has done for us
We do not hold onto our sin but have faith in the cross of Christ

Have you believed in Jesus?

Unbelief condems
Belief saves for all eternity

John the Baptist pointed to the Lamb of God

He bore witness to the Light of the Gospel
He was the witness that prepared people for the coming Messiah

Has God been doing a work in your life?

Ask Jesus to forgive you
Trust your life to Him
Become a witness – like John the Baptist