The Wine
Looking at the Wedding Feast in Cana of Galilee
Where did Jesus Christ perform His first miracle?
At a wedding
Jesus graced the wedding with His presence
A wedding is a time of thanksgiving before God
Marriage was ordained before Adam and Eve fell
Galilee (and Nazareth) was a small place
A place where Jesus was well known
But 4 months later, when He read a prophecy from Isaiah about Himself and spoke of those saved outside Israel
The people were about to throw Him off a cliff
The could not stand the blessing of the Gentile people
Jesus is amongst sinners whose hearts need to be transformed by the gospel
Many believed in Him – v11
There is often hatred in the hearts of mankind
Because of beliefs
Because of old history
Jesus came into this world to save sinners – to reconcile sinners to Himself
This miracle is symbolic of what Jesus came to
As He could turn water into wine, He can change the human heart
Showing who Jesus is
This miracle was called a sign – not a wonder or work of power
The first of many other signs
Each miracle that Jesus performed was pointing to something
Ability to transforming the heart of believers
John 20:30-31 – the signs are for a belief in Jesus Christ
In John’s Gospel
Words witnessing to His Deity
E.g. John 1, the Light
Works witnessing to His Deity
These often match up with the seven ‘I AM sayings’
Feeding of the 5,000 – bread of life
Lazarus – the resurrection and the life
The healing of the noble mans’ son
The healing of the lame man
Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and performed these miracles?
The Bible cannot be taken as partly true
Either you accept it all or reject it
Do you believe the words and works of Jesus – that prove His Deity
Many believed in Him
Showing what He came to do
The miracle is instructive – we need to look at the details
They had run out of wine – very embarassing
Mary asks Jesus to intervene – before He has ever performed a miracle
Jesus chooses six water pots used for purification and turns the water into wine
The master of ceremonies can’t understand how the best wine is now served
Why instructive?
Water pots of purification
Cleaning of themselves and their utensils
Lev and Mark 7
6 – in the Jewish mind is the picture of incompletion and imperfect
7 – is the number of completion and perfection
Jesus is bringing in a new, complete and perfect way
The good wine now
What Jesus has come to do is far better than anything laid down in the Old Testament
Heb 8:13
The old ceremonies – all pointing forward and fulfilled in Jesus Christ
The old covenant could never transform the heart – the law of God can convict of sin but not bring salvation
The new covenant brings transformation and forgiveness of sin
Hebrews – the whole book talks about how Jesus is better than the Angels (chap 1), Moses (chap 3), High Priest (chap 7)
Wine – a symbol of joy and happiness
20-30 gallons in each pot – on average 150 gallons
Jesus is providing an abundance – symbolic of the gospel (John 10:10)
Jesus came to bring abundant life to sinners
Christians should be the happiest people in the world
Pointing towards the marriage supper of the Lamb
Isa 25:6 – noticed the language, the best things, a place of super abundance
What is your view of Christianity?
Trying to keep the Ten Commandments?
Looking to Jesus who has secured your salvation?
It is only Jesus Christ that can transform the hearts and lives of people
Showing how He came to do it
v4 – these seems rude to our minds
Our culture is not the same as in the 1st Century
What was Jesus’ mind on?
The "hour"/upon the cross
John 7:30, 8:20, 12:23, 13:1
A term that always referred to His death
His mind was on the cross to allow the marriage supper of the Lamb
John 3:14 – Jesus had to be lifted upon on the cross
His mind was on much greater things
Jesus was different form every person on the planet
Not just Mary’s son
Gen 3:15 – the Seed of the woman
Closing Remarks
Jesus introduces a new covenant in His blood
We celebrate this in the Lord’s Supper
May we know more of Jesus’ transforming power