Marks of a True Apostle
The apostle Paul was a man who lived with burden
For people and the Church of Jesus Christ – particularly the Corinthian Church
He was much encouraged in 2 Corinthians
Titus has encouraged him of their repentance (2 Cor 7)
There was much to encourage but also discourage him
Some were turning away from the gospel
6:1 – he pleads with people not to turn away
Do we see this today?
6:2 – now is the day of salvation
You have to deal with God now
Continue on in your faith
6:3 – Paul gives an example of how he has lived
He has not given up despite such tribulation
He calls others to follow his example
The best gift we can give to others – our godliness and holiness
The darker the days – the brighter the light will shine
When the church is growing – there is opposition
A great aggravation – false apostles coming into the church
Paul counters these false apostles by showing what it meant to be a true apostle
v3-7 – the marks of the true apostle
He knew the power of God
He was pure in motive
This passage is relevant today
We should not seek to give any offence
We should ask God for help to persevere
We should put on the positive virtues in Christ
A Pattern of Good Behaviour – that protected the ministry (v3)
We give no offence (or "stumbling block")
Total integrity
Total purity
Sensitive to those of different cultural background – 1 Cor 9
Careful not to offend in secondary issues
The gospel may cause offence
Because the Jews could not consider the Messiah would die on a cross
Paul sought to please God
He did not seek to displease others
It does not mean that you cannot take positions
Example of Believer’s Baptism
No bad behaviour that causes others to stumble
Bad Examples
We must be serious in our actions
Good behaviour
Paul was willing to forgo his salary – 1 Cor 9:12
Paul was willing to forgo certain foods – 1 Cor 8:13
Paul did not want the message to be hindered
Paul gave a pattern of good behaviour
Perseverance in Suffering (v4-5)
Paul is commending himself – he has known much endurance in tribulation
2 Cor 11:22-30
We can only endure by God’s grace
Matt 5:11-12
Tribulations – great "pressure"
The weight of the other churches
Being abandoned
Unjustly criticised
Seeing churches moving away from the gospel
We are often thankful for God’s providence (when things go right)
Are we thankful for God’s providence when things go wrong?
Things often went wrong for Paul – he was not outside the will of God
In can be God’s will for you – to purify and sanctify you
Distresses – "restrictions/squeezed in"
Paul spent at least 5 years in prison
Example of John Bunyan
Example of infirmity
A terrible thing
But nothing compared to what Jesus experienced
Phil 1 – being imprisoned embolden other Christians
Philippi, Rome, Caesera
Damascas, Jerusalem, Antioch, Thessalonica, Berea, Corinth, Ephesus
This must have been very frightening
But God never left him
2 Cor 4:8-10
We ought not to fear perscution
He did not have a wife
He chose a trade so he was not a burden to the churches
Tiring to be a tent maker and a preacher of the gospel
Why was this?
His wounds, counselling, prayer?
Utterly dedicated to the cause of Christ
How much are we willing to Sacrifice for the Lord?
Do we live a self-sacrifical life?
Positive Godliness (v6-7)
A man of moral integrity and purity
1 Cor 9
He was disciplined
He knew his body was a temple of the Holy Spirit
Pure in motive
Not deceitful
Keeping his word
Yes he had special revelation
He prayed, thought and studied
Those things he said to Timothy – he did also
2 Cor 11:5-6
He bore long with others – even though who were irritating, provoking or trying
He had gracious tolerance
We need to ask God for patience
Another fruit of the Holy Spirit
An evidence of the love of God in your heart
Doing things in word and deed
The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit was working in his live
The false apostles did not have the Holy Spirit – they could never be godly
Sincere Love / the Word of Truth / the power of God / the armour of righteousness
Paul shows his godliness comes from God – not of him
Closing Remarks
What is your response?
Lord help me
Lord teach me
Lord enable me to stand
Do not turn back – preserve until the end