Why not give to the poor?
Looking at questions
A question from Judas Ischariot
On the fact of it – a reasonable question
One Worthier
Christianity is more than doing good to the poor
Our attitude is more important that our deeds
Perhaps Christians do extravagant acts that others do not understand
Why not give to the poor?
One Worthier
6 days before the Passover (v1)
The people were told to be on the look out for Jesus Christ (John 11:57)
Jesus withdraws to Bethany
He often spent time with Martha, Mary and Lazarus
On this occasion, Jesus is in the house of Simon the Leper (Matt 26:6)
Perhaps because this is a safer place
A meal
Perhaps a celebration meal
Perhaps a final celebration meal – example
Not just Martha, Mary and Lazarus but Simon too (an ex-leper)
Martha served (v2)
She is a woman who often gets a bad rap from preachers
A gentle rebuke from Jesus (Luke 10:38-42)
Martha has a servant spirit
Doing things quietly in the background – cooking, maybe cleaning
Jesus is one that Serves
He is the greatest example of Service
Mark 10:45
Service is not just confined to a church building
Examples – looking after your family and neighbours
Mary has prepared something
Very costly spikenard / very expensive perfume
One pound – worth 300 denarii – nearly a years a worth wage, a lot of money
She had clearly thought about this
She anoints Jesus first on the head – speaking of His Kingship/Royal Priesthood
She anoints Jesus feet and wipes them with her hair
The whole place is filled with fragrance
Everyone must have stood back and reflected – except Judas
Later the others complained too
Jesus had said wonderful things to the women
They had great confidence in Jesus
What is our confidence in life and death?
We are living post death and resurrection of Jesus – do you believe and what difference does it make?
What Mary did was great but what Jesus did was far greater
The good news of the gospel – we can have peace with God, certainty of heaven with Christ
Lyrics from song ‘When I Survey the Wondrous Cross’
Mary could not see the cross but she loved Jesus
That we would give our life completely to Jesus
Christianity is more than doing good to the poor
As a Church we want to help the poor – examples
Religion is not just to help the poor
Christianity has made a significant impact upon the UK – examples
Christians have fought for justice
Our chief aim is to preach the gospel and turn people away from sin
The source of all social problems is sin – examples
Jesus has come to give us a new heart
It is not possible for humans to eradicate poverty (v8)
There will aways be greed
There will always be war
There will always be exploitation
Yet as Christians we want to help the poor – examples
Church is not first and foremost about helping the poor
Our attitude is more important that our deeds
If Judas had a better attitude – he would still be wrong as he was judging someone with a pure heart
Yet Jesus could judge the heart and saw his impure motives
The other disciples could not see this – they did not even realise who would betray Jesus
His attitudes were all wrong
He loved money rather than loyalty to Jesus … and the other eleven disciples
He loved money so much he is prepared to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver
His heart is corrupt
What about our heart attitudes?
Do we use Christianity to give ourselves an air of superiority … as insurance?
Judas was using Christianity for his own ends
There have been many Judas’ in history
Jesus knows if we love Him or other things
Do you love Jesus Christ?
Mary did not understand the significant of her act – she was anointing Jesus for His burial
Jesus said it would be spoken about throughout all the world
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we left a legacy about Jesus?
Example of the widow’s mite, Abraham
Example of Mother’s Day
The best way to honour God is to give our all to Him
Respond in love