The Christian and his Family
The call to the husband is to love (as Christ loved the Church)
The wife is to submit to their husband
The natural progression is to look at the parent-child relationship
Over the next 2 weeks to look a little but wide that the parent-child relationship
To look at wider themes – e.g. strife and conflict (next week)
There are a lot of pressures on Christians living in a post-Christian society
The influence of technology
What is good and bad in modern life?
The issue of being a man and woman in modern society
Tonight: to think of the parent-child relationship
It relates to us all: a broader issue of how we relate generally
Putting on Christ and christian virtues
Example of the song: ‘happy the home’
Allegiance to Jesus Christ must trump everything
Matt 10:37-39
Family is central – but it must not be an idol
Not to neglect family members, but Christ comes first
Warning and promise – live not to please man but God (Example of Abraham)
Family Life
Not to think first and foremost of difficulties – family does not equal strife
Scripture says for those who honour God – there is great blessing
Ps 127:3-4
Ps 128:3-4
For those who "fear the Lord" – not an automatic blessing
Example of David and Eli who knew great pain – but in general terms, marriage, families and children are a blessing from God
The Parent-Child Relationship
Authority and submission
In the Church
In headship
As a citizen
In the parent-child relationship
Children are called to obey their parents – Col 3:20
Rom 1:30, 2 Tim 3:2 – disobedience to parents is a major issue
We find this in society
Obedience does not come naturally – they need to be taught and disciplined
In the Ten Commandments – children are called to obey their parents
Ex 20:12
Eph 6:1-4 – a commandment with promise
Do we give enough emphasis to this within the Church?
Society has almost turned things upside down?
"Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child" – Prov 22:15
Children need to learn right from wrong
Parents pass on their experience and knowledge
Does the command still apply to those who have older parents?
Jesus applies it in Mark 7 – explanation
This will be applied in different ways – the main thing is to honour our parents
Prov 29:15 – neglecting children is shameful
Titus – women who are home makers can look after children
Children need boundaries
The Parents Responsibility
Prov 22:6 – God would not give this promise unless it was true (example)
To bring up our children in the training and instruction of the Lord
A parent needs to know the Lord
Children watch parents
They are affected by how we live
They see their character
They see what is important to them
We train children as much by the way we live
Children thrive with encouragement and love
There must be discipline
Example of David – he did not rebuke his son
Each child is different – we need to be discriminating
Example of John MacArthur
We want good character in our children
Deut 6:6-7
Eph 6:4
Do not be too harsh, do not belittle or put them down, do not show favouritism
An emphasis on fathers
Be consistent
We might face dilemmas – examples
We need to show grace when our children have failed
We need to explain our failure and our sin
We need to explain our need of forgiveness
The Gospel and the Family
Things are not straightforward Example of David, Jacob, Eli
There is always grace and forgiveness at the cross
Example of Jesus
He honoured His parents
His brothers did not initially believe in Him – but many came to believe after His ascension to heaven
We must pray for our children
Salvation is not in our hands
It is the gospel of Jesus Christ that must reign in our families