Special Testimony Service
N.B. As this was a special testimony service, there was only time for a very short message (around 6 minutes)
Psalm 45:2
A wonderful description of Jesus is Song of Solomon Chapter 5
To see Jesus – should be the desire of our hearts
The Song of Solomon is poetic
Christianity is not just obedience to the word
It is also about knowing through the senses
It is not just about doctrine, this should lead to experience
It should lead us to want to know more of Christ
Example of Paul and the Psalmist
Experience comes with spending time with God
We should long for Christ and to know Him
Because ‘He is fairer that the sons of men, grace is poured upon His lips’
Psalm 45:11
That God might desire our beauty
We feel ugly and unclean
Yet we are robed in Christ’s righteousness
‘You have ravished my heart’
The Song of Solomon is a pure analogy – we do not need to shirk from it
We can be partakers of His Divine nature
We are brought into the intimacy of marriage with Christ
My prayer is to know Christ better
It should be the desire of our heart to know Christ