January 21, 2024

Where shall we buy bread?

Passage: John 6:1-14
Service Type:


Various ways to fail God

Transgression of God’s Law
Sins of omission
The easiest way to fail – to worry … and not trust God

We worry – examples

It is right to be concerned but not to worry that erodes trust in God
Matt 6 – Jesus speaks often about worry in this chapter v25, 27, 28, 31, 34

It is a command not to worry, "be anxious about nothing"

It is also an encouragement – the Christian is not to be weighed down and troubled

We have Jesus’ peace
We have the peace of God

We often fail and worry – like the disciples

John 6 – the apostles must have been very worried when Jesus told them to feed the multitude 5,000

In their minds it was an impossibility – the must have been troubled
Their idea – to send the people away to get food (very pragmatic)

Perhaps they thought it was the people’s responsiblity

Jesus was very calm, trusting on His Father

He was the opposite of the disciples

Focusing on v5 – "Where shall we buy bread, that these might eat?"

How would you respond to this?

A Test

A test – focusing on Philip, Andrew and Simon Peter – who all lived in Bethseda, near to where they were

Jesus knew what He was going to do

Philip – did not say ‘you know’, ‘you can do all things’, instead he said it is ‘impossible’
Is this not typical of you and me?

Instead of trusting God we say ‘impossible’
How do we react to these tests?

Jesus calls us to faith – examples

Faith as small as a mustard seed is enough
Let us hold onto Him
We must be practical and wise, but always to trust in God

God uses means

Where shall we buy bread – Jesus wanted to involve the disciples
This miracle is recorded in all 4 gospels (the only other miracle recorded in all 4 gospels is the resurrection of Jesus Christ)

It is important
There is another miracle with the feeding of the 4,000

God calls us to exercise faith and wants to use us

In 2 of the gospels – Jesus says ‘you give them something to eat’

Jesus did not need to use the disciples

God often uses His people to meet the needs of others

He often wants to use us

Jesus first uses Philip, then Andrew, then a little boy

They are waiters and stewards

Give what you have – if everyone gives a little, this yields a lot

Example in Church
Example of the lady with two mites
Example of Moses, David, the disciples – there is no impediment

There are all sorts of ways in which we can serve God

Use the little we have – because God uses means

A demonstration of who Jesus is and what He has come to do

There is a certainty and purpose in His words
We see His compassion and His concern for people

Despite being so busy they didn’t have time to eat, they went to a quiet place, and John the Baptist had recently been beheaded

If anyone had reason to worry and rest – it was Jesus Christ

However, He did not turn the multitudes away – they were sheep without a shepherd

He taught them all day long
He had compassion on them
He was concerned for them – for their souls and their body
This was a contrast to the disciples

He was a Shepherd to the people

Psalm 23

The Passover

Chapter 6 – Jesus says He is the bread of life
The time to remember Moses bringing out the people from the bondage of Egypt


A prophet like unto Moses – Deut

The Passover Lamb is amongst the people
Offering Himself as the bread of life
Reading 6:26-35

The miracle of the feeding of the 5,000 points to something far greater and deeper

Come to God for who He is – not for a miracle

All that believe in Him will have everlasting life
He is the bread of life that comes down from heaven


Have you believed in Him?
Have you fed upon Him?
Have you received Him?
We offer Jesus Christ the word of God
If you believe in Him you can have eternal life

Closing Remarks

There were 12 baskets left over

We are not to waste
More importantly – God blesses abundantly

John 10:10
Jesus will give you life in all it’s fullness

Come to Him today

Do not live a life of worry but trust
Trust in God
Do not be burnt out but be blessed
Quote from Robert Morriston