Does this offend you?
Before looking at John 6 – some verses from 1 Cor 13
Love is patient, kind
Love covers a multitude of sins and does not keep record of wrings
Love hopes, believes and endures all things
Love never fails
Love is not easily offended
A deeply challenging passage
John 5/6 – a group of people easily offended by the words and deeds of Jesus Christ
We looked at a man who was paralysed 38 years, whom Jesus healed – they took offence because of their religious ideas/views (explanation)
Reading John 5:16-18
His actions and His words – offensive to the Jews
Jesus was claiming Deity and to be one with the Father
They were offended at this
The offence continues in John 6 – Jesus had fed the 5’000 and they wanted to make Jesus king but then took offence when He begins to teach them
They were following Jesus because of what they can get from Him – food and miracles
John 6:41-42
They complained
They questioned how Jesus could come down from heaven
John 6:41-52
They did not understand about His flesh
John 6:61
Those Jewish disciples (not the twelve) who were following Him – were offended
Does this offend you?
What was the offensive teaching? (v53-58)
What was their response and why?
How did the twelve respond?
What was the offensive teaching? (v53-58)
It offended them because it was a hard saying (v60)
It was hard to accept – spiritually and intelectually
There were many sayings that people did not accept:
Rich men entering into heaven – covetousness
A narrow gate to life found by few – not easy to get to heaven
Many are called but few are chosen
Forsaking all you have
Many will claim to have worked in His name but Jesus did not know them
Do these sayings of Jesus offend you?
Do you recognise them as difficult truths?
Do you accept them from Jesus?
The offensive teaching (v51)
Speaking about flesh, blood and death… (but also…)
Speaking about life, a living bread, everlasting
They needed to ‘feast’ on Jesus
Jesus gave His flesh/body on the cross that many would be saved
v53 – an emphatic statement
It is associated with Communion
We remember what Christ has done for us
We do not sacrifice Jesus over and again
Jesus was sacrificed once for all
The bread does not turn into Jesus’ flesh
The wine does not turn into Jesus’ blood
Not cannibalism or animism
Sinners need to put their trust in Jesus blood/sacrifice
Sinners need to come into union with Jesus
Can you see how this would be offensive to the Jews?
If taken literally – cannibalism and drinking of the blood
But Jesus was speaking in metaphor – picture language giving spiritual truth
That they could not affect their own salvation
If you trust in Jesus as Lord and Saviour, you will live forever
The offensive bits seem to block out the promises
Life everlasting (v58)
We often think that we must do something to reach God – examples
For the Jews it was about following lots of laws
Jesus says no – you must trust Jesus
They had no power to save themselves
God must draw people (v44)
Dead in trespasses and sins – the Spirit gives life (v63)
God must grant that people draw near (v65)
That they could do nothing for their salvation
What was their response and why? (v66)
What Jesus said was too much for them, even those disciples who were following Him more closely (not the twelve) – they turned their backs on Him
It is sad when people turn away from God – but God can draw them back
John 6:15 – they wanted to make Jesus King (after such an amazing miracle)
How fickle the human heart
Many of these same people are now rejecting Him
Example of the Parable of the Sower
John 6:29 – to believe in Jesus
John 6:35 – to come to Christ and receive His promises
John 6:40 – everlasting life
The greatest problem for mankind – unbelief
Denial of the word of God
An eater – to receive
Have you come by faith to Jesus and received Him into your life?
Do not respond like these disciples?
How did the twelve respond? (v68)
Jesus asks if the twelve want to turn away
Peter knows Jesus has the words of eternal life
Peter knows there is nowhere else to go
Do not harden your hearts with the things of the world and miss out on eternal life
The twelve disciples had found Jesus’ words to be spirit and life
Judas did not believe (v70)
Peter is clear – there was no-one else to turn to
When others reject – are you prepared to stand for God
None but Christ that satisfies