January 14, 2024

Do you want to be made well?

Passage: John 5:1-15
Service Type:


Before Christmas – looking at some themes in first 4 chapters of John’s Gospel

The Wonder of the Incarnation
The Word of God
The Wind of God (the Holy Spirit)
The Witness of John the Baptist
The Woman
The Wine
The World

Continuing in John’s Gospel in a different way – now looking at key verses

John 5:6

To look at a question given by Jesus Christ to a man who has been paralysed 38 years

Think back 40 years – suffering every day
Jesus asked what we may think a strange question?

Would you think this insulting?

It is feast time – a time of great happiness, worship and blessing

But there was a great multitude of sick people

Can you see the contrast?

Perhaps it was the same at Christmas
Weddings and funerals
Those who pass exams, those struggling with cancer

We live in a world of contrasts

But as Christians we have a glorious gospel for a sad world
Consider the wisdom of Solomon – better to go to the place of mourning than feasting

The sheep gate and pool

Probably where the sheep were washed for sacrifice
What were the conditions like?
Was this hygienic?
It was a hard place to be – yet this is where Jesus Christ comes

Jesus speaks to one man – who doesn’t even know who he is

He singles out this man – and shows Him love and compassion, performs a miracle
The man exercises faith in Jesus Christ


What did the question mean?
How did the man respond?
Why was this question crucial?
What were the results?

What did the question mean?

People can become accustomed to their situation/environment


People can become accustomed to an illness and unhealthy lifestyle

And can not want to change

Had this man become accustomed to his condition?

Perhaps Jesus is probing into his heart
Do you really want to get?
Are you content with the life you are living?

With every miracle – there is a spiritual parallel

People are paralysed in their sin
They cannot come to God – but need God to come to them
They are changed into a new creation and are saved

What about you?

Are you settled in your sin?
Do you want your life to change?
Do you want to be made well?
Do you want your sins forgiven?
Do you want Jesus to be the Lord of your life?

Jesus asks us questions

Not just probing
Inviting and inspiring – He can save our soul

How did the man respond?

Was this man offended by this question?


He humbly accepted the question (v7)

The man was waiting for the waters – believing that he would be healed
He was honest
It is important for us to be honest in prayer

He did not realise the Jesus was the cure

Personal example
Are you searching in the wrong places?

Jesus Christ is present amongst His people

You can have everlasting life

Why was this question crucial?

Do you think about important questions?
Example – look and live
Look to Jesus Christ if you are not a Christian

What were the results?

The man responded in faith – took up his bed and walked (v8)
Why take up your bed?

Changing from an old to a new life
The message of the Christian gospel

Coming out of sin
To follow Him

Has this happened to you?

Have you decided to follow Jesus Christ?

The Pharisees had a different response
The man was not to continue in his old (sinful) life

His life had been changed / upside down

As Christians

New heart / new creation
God changes the heart of an individual
A miracle has taken place
Are you born again?

Do you love Jesus?
Do you no longer want to sin?

Closing Remarks