January 7, 2024

12 Exhortations for 2024

Passage: Romans 12:9-13
Service Type:

Christianity is not morality

We preach Jesus Christ
As Christians, there is a way to live

Let love be without hypocrisy

This is not an irksome thing but it is sometimes hard
We are to love our enemies
We are not to love in a false way
We must ask for God’s help

Abhor what is evil

We can be accustomed to evil
We must not tolerate evil
Jesus abhorred evil

Cling to what is good

We must first know what is good – from reading the Bible
Make it your aim to be friends with Christians

Quote from Spurgeon

Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love

As Christians be affectionate
We are to show warmth and love

In honour giving preference to one another

Example of speaking tonight

Not lagging in diligence

Serving God to the best of your ability
Not procrastinating or omitting things
Be diligent – examples
Do everything well for God’s glory and praise

Fervent in spirit, serving the Lord

Are we fervent? – not lukewarm

We have not been given a spirit of fear or timidity but of love, power and a sound mind
Sometimes our fire needs to be fanned into flame

We can serve in helping, encourage, giving
At work, in your family, in the Church

Rejoicing in hope

We can find it difficult to rejoice
It is a command – not a burdensome command
Offer sacrifice of praise
Expect great things of God, attempt great things for Him

Patient in tribulation

Somethings are active others are passive
To be patient is a great gift of God

It may involve persecution

Continuing steadfastly in prayer

Morning and night

Also throughout the day
Continually speaking to God

The flesh resists prayer

Give yourself more time to pray when you feel you want to pray
Pray for different people

Distributing to the needs of the saints

Do good to all – especially of the household of faith

Given to hospitality

Not just for the Elders
Not just giving food or shelter
It is for all Christians

Maybe coffee and cake
Meeting up with people
Heb 13:2

May this be an encouragement to us in 2024