February 4, 2024

What shall we do?

Passage: John 6:26-29, Psalm 19:1-14
Service Type:


Reading John 6:26-29
Overview of looking at questions in John’s Gospel (with explanation):

Do you want to be made well?
Where shall we buy bread?
Does this offend you?

Today: a question from the crowd (v28)

"What shall we do, that we may work the works of God"

The crowd had asked various questions:

Example of the rich young man
Example of the lawyer

It is good to come to God with questions

Are you seeking answers – ask of God

The context to this question

Jesus had fed the 5,000

Jesus has said they were following Him simply for the material blessings
Jesus advised the people not to pursue material things … but everlasting life given by Him

The people wanted to work the works of God – to perform miracles


Its Irony
Its Implication
Its Answer

Its Irony

Because many people (disciples) turned away from Jesus
Because Jesus was criticised for working on the Sabbath day (John 5:16-17)

John 7:21-24 – their hypocrisy
Examples – Jesus called out their double standards

As human beings we can be like this

Like the people in v26
Example from James
Example from John

We must search our hearts – examples

Are we one thing in Church but another thing outside Church
Are there inconsistencies in our lives?
What are our motives?

Its Implication

The people were fascinated by miracles (John 6:30)

Their whole mindset was of a work-based religion

To please God by their hard efforts, their religiosity, their good, their deeds
This is true of religions the world over – works and striving
Christianity is about grace

Their pursuit of miracles

You may think this does not apply in the Church

False teachers on the internet

People often want to bypass Jesus – they simply want to be healed (Example of the Ten Lepers)

God can perform miracles but they do not often occur

The people felt they were worthy before God

We are not worthy – it is Christ who is worthy

Its Answer

To believe in Jesus – this is the work of God (v29)

It was hard for the people to see Jesus as the God Man

Despite His miracles
Despite His lack of sin
He was not just another prophet

Belief and faith – trusting your life and salvation to God

Example of Blondin
It is not of ourselves but of God – Eph 2:8-9
Christianity is not ‘do’ but ‘done’ – explanation
Rest in what God has done for us

Rom 4:4-5

Trust in Him for the promise of everlasting life

Why turn your back on Jesus Christ and lose out on heaven?
Believe in Jesus Christ