February 4, 2024

Presented as a Pure Virgin

Passage: 2 Corinthians 11:1-4, Ephesians 5:22-33
Service Type:


Focusing on v2b
Explanation of the 1st Century Jewish tradition of marriage

A contract was drawn up at engagement
A firm pledge to be married
Breaking of betrothal was considered as bad as adultery
Usually a year long
The father was to care for and look out for her
That she would be a pure virgin for her husband

Paul seems to have a similar idea

God is the husband of His people
We are in an engagement stage
One day we will sit down before Jesus Christ at the marriage supper
Paul’s task is to teach, warn and keep us from other loves
Paul feels he is a father to them (1 Cor 4:15)
Paul felt responsible for these people
As an apostle of Jesus Christ – the care of the Churches was upon his heart

A communion service is a foretaste of the marriage supper of the Lamb


We are to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ

We are to be holy
We are to walk as He walked
We are to imitate God

Communion helps us in this

We are reminded we are children of the living God
We are reminded of the need to consecrate ourselves afresh


Promised to our Husband
Prepared for our Husband
Presented to our Husband

Promised to our Husband

A reminder of the uniqueness of Christian marriage

Betrothed to one husband

Human beings fail – Christ never fails
He is the perfect husband

Titles of Jesus – our elder brother, captain of salvation, greater apostle, etc

Also the bridegroom
He told parables about the bridegroom
A wedding banquet – Luke 14

This is covenant language

Eph 5:22-33

Becoming one flesh – a union

Paul is speaking about the mystical union of Christ and His people

We become partakers of the Divine mystery
In the heavenly places in Christ
Christ in us the hope of glory

Communion reminds us of our privileged station

Thanksgiving / In communion with God
Consider your identity

A sinner
Not what we should be?
Are there struggles?

What defines us

Our sin, struggle and failure
Is your identity in Christ?
Rom 6:11 – dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus
Children of the King

Promised to one Husband

Personal example

Prepared for our Husband

In one sense Paul sees himself as a midwife to the Corinthian Church

He helped it come to birth

He sees himself as a father to the Corinthians

Paul loved, prayed for and taught the church

His concern was that the Church would not be seduced (v3)

Corrupted from the simplicity of the gospel message in Christ (v4)
He had a godly jealousy for the Corinthian Church (v2a)

What does Christ want from us?

To believe the teachings of the Bible

Not to believe false gospels and false practices – examples

Reading and comment – 1 Cor 10:6-11

Heed the warnings – for some had been judged

A key virtue of a Christian – faithfulness

May we have no rivals between us and Christ

Jesus is sanctifying His bride

Col 1:28

Presented to our Husband

The goal of all Christian ministry – to be with our Saviour
It is also the goal of Jesus Christ

Eph 5:25-27

Jesus has died in the Church’s place
Jesus washes the Church in His word
Jesus presents the Church perfect
Jesus nourishes the Church (v29)


1 Thess 3:12-13
1 Thess 5:23
2 Pet 3:14

One day we will be presented perfect to our Husband
Let us renew our pledge to Jesus