February 11, 2024

The Church, the Cross, the Cosmos

Passage: Acts 16:11-19, 25-34, 40; Philippians 2:1-18
Service Type:


Philippians is an easy book to understand – but it must be obeyed

Easy to understand – hard to live out
An encouragement and an challenge



Derived it’s name from Philip of Macedon who conquered it about 360 BC
Developed a good gold mining industry
Romans took it over in 168 BC
Became an important Roman colony in Macedonia (North Greece)
No Synagogue there cos there were so few Jews there

The Bible and Philippi

First European city that Paul preached in
Called there by a vision (Acts 16:6-10)
Evangelised by Paul on his second Missionary Journey in AD 50 (Acts 16: 11-40)
Luke was probably born there
The church there was strong and generous
Jailer converted when Paul & Silas are singing in prison at midnight
Visited again by Paul in Acts 20

Paul’s situation when writing

Written, probably between AD 60 and 62
In prison, probably in Rome
Had lost his freedom
Constantly chained to a soldier (Phil 1:15-16 & 2:20-21)
Lost most of his friends & family
Aware of a few friends and many enemies
Lost most of his possessions


A Call to Unity (v1-4): The Church
A Call to Humility (v5-11): The Cross
A Call to Shine (v12-18): The Cosmos

A Call to Unity (v1-4): The Church

Little words but big challenge
Simple words:

Any (v1)
Like/same/one (v2)
Our joy (v2)
Nothing (v3)
Also (v4)

Challenge: Make Andrew’s joy complete as we obey these verses
Big challenge:

Like minded
The same love
One in Spirit and purpose (v2) – scriptural examples
Selfless / Honest / Humility (v3)
Put others first

A Call to the Church for Unity

A Call to Humility (v5-11): The Cross

Our call (v5, 10-11)

Be like Christ

Example of TV program: ‘The Chosen’

Be humble (v5)

Like Christ who humbled Himself to the death of the Cross

Worship (v10-11)

The Son’s Work in humility (v6-8)

He gave up heaven (v6)
He became nothing, a servant and human (v7)
He became humble and obedient (v8)

The Father’s Work in honour (v9-11)

God exalted Jesus – did (v9)
Many have accepted now but everyone will bow (v10-11)

Example of song lyrics: ‘Come is the time to worship

Challenge: today is the day of salvation

A Call to Shine (v12-18): The Cosmos

Called to shine like stars – example
In Salvation (v12-13)

Our work (v12)

"Workout your salvation with fear and trembling"
Do this in the light of v13

God’s work (v13)

In Service (v14-18) – Shining like stars (example)

Doing all without complaining or arguing (v14)
Holding out the word of life (v16)
Being faithful in service and sacrifice (v17)
Rejoicing with fellow believers (v18)


How bright are you shining for Jesus?
What can we do to make our stars brighter?