What and why must we do – the consequences of not doing
N.B. Apologies that the recording got cut off only 8 minutes into the sermon!
- Some Jews tempted to go back to Judiaism
- These are struggling Christians - there is persecution
- Some are thinking of abandoning the faith altogether
- Their thinking is distorted
- There is deceitfulness in the own hearts
- There are many warnings in the book
- Warning in verse 1 and 3
- A person can go to Hell by 'neglect' - neglecting Christ, His word and His people
- Are we discouraged today?
- Are we tempted to give up Christ?
- Do we listen to distorted messages and then doubt the real message?
- Are we discouraged over personal sin?
- Remember the judgement of the Law - under which the Jews lived
- Remember the punishment for these sins
- Think how much more we shall be punished if we neglect Christ
What must we do?
- The battle starts in the mind
- "We must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard" (v1)
- What do we think about?
- We are to set our minds on things above and gird up our mind
- The Hebrew Christians didn't have a bible, there were some scrolls but they were largely dependent on hearing the message
- Going to meetings was very important - cf Heb 10
- They needed to give great attention to God's word
- We need to give great attention to God's word
- Reading properly
- Paying attention in church
- Challenge of Pastor from Papau new Guinea
- Consider the parable of the man who built upon the rock
- The early Christians were very ardent
- They continued in the apostles teaching
- They continued in fellowship
- They continued in breaking of bread and prayer
- They were not neglecting their salvation
- We must give earnest head to the Scriptures
- We must not neglect this salvation
- Consider the church of Colossae in Revelation - they had lost their first love
Why must we do it?
- Because of "so great a salvation"
- The greatness of the Saviour
- The angels worship Jesus - how much more should we worship Jesus?
- Greater in worth, status, power, dignity; than the angels
- There is only one path to heaven
- We must ever look to Jesus
- We must not drift away (example of a car and boat)
- We must not shipwreck our salvation
- Think of the danger if we drift away
- A great salvation
- Great joy, peace and blessing
- Story of Ferrorello le guardia
- Story of Elish and the widow with oil
- All our sin has been placed on Jesus, we
have been clothed in righteousness, we have the Holy Spirit, we are given much grace
What are the consequences of not doing it?
- The law came through the mediation of angels
- They were there on Mount Sinai helping give the law to Moses
- There was a penalty for breaking the moral, civil and cerimonial law
- The new law is mediated by the Son of God
- This word has been heard and confirmed
- They had seen the gifts of the Holy Spirit
- Think of those who have neglected salvation in the Bible
- Lot's wife
- King Saul
- Demas
- Judas Ischariot
- Heb 12:18-29
- We have not come to a terrifying Mountain but Mount Zion
- We have come to a wonderful place
- We have come to a place of welcome, peace and forgiveness
- We have come to Jesus
- The mountain shook when the law was given - when Christ returns the whole world will shake
- Don't mess with God
- Don't think it is a little thing that you are neglecting
- Your soul will be judge and you will pay for it forever in hell
- Come to Jesus and cling to Him
Concluding Remarks
- If you are not a Christian this message/passage will apply to you
- Today is the day of salvation