Sodom & Gomorrah
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- The Bible is honest and true
- God had determined to destroy Sodom
- Why this city?
- It was a voilent place
- Lots of things happened after dark
- Jude 7 - the filthiness of the people
- Was this the real reason?
- Yes it was a wicked city
- It was a city with no fear of God - they felt they could live as they wanted to
- Certain cultures fear and worship God
- Our society has gone a long way from God
- How long had God been patient with this city - decades, centuries?
- God is more inclined to mercy than wrath (cf chapter 18)
- God is a God of love
- God is a God of justice
- Sodom is a picture of the final judgement
- God sent two angels on a rescue mission
- It speaks of God's hatred of sin but love for the sinner and how He delivers them
- God does not destroy the innocent with the guilty
- Why is Lot classed as righteous?
- See how he treats these two visitors
- He was a different man to the others
- God shows grace to Lot and it changed his life
- Lot chose to live near Sodom
- Perhaps lot was a judge (v1 - sitting in the gate, v9 - judging the people)
- His daughters had intermarried
- It was a sign of mercy to the city for them to see a righteous man - but even his own son-in-laws laughed at him
- Should God have intervened?
- Think of what would have happened if God had not intervened?
- How their behaviour would affect others
- God sent two angels
- They were going to stay outside but Lot pressed them to stay with him
- He cooked them a feast
- Heb 13 - entertaining angels unaware
- A large gang of men came to Lot's house
- Both young and old
- Gang rape
- Lot shockingly offers his two virgin daughters to the men - utterly unjustifiable
- The men press against Lot
- There comes a change in the situation
- We must pray that God intervenes
- Wicked things happen in our society
- God intervenes
- The angels pull Lot in
- Consider the time of Syrians in Dothan and Elisha - they were stuck with blindness
- The people when struck with blindness do not seek mercy but continue to try and find the door
- Lot as a preacher
- Do we listen to people speaking the word of God to us?
- The sons-in-law laughed at him
- It happened to Noah, it happened to Lot, it happens to us today
- Often people do not repent
- It is not always like this - think of Jonah - the city repented
- Lot lingered
- Why was he not going - what was holding him back?
- Was it his wealth?
- Was it because of his status/position?
- Was it because of his sons-in-law?
- In mercy the Angels pull Lot and is family out of the city
- The angels also pulled Lot back into the house
- "Escape for your life!"
- An awesome message
- "Escape for your life!" - do not look back or stay anywhere near
- Salvation is through grace alone
- God spoke to the samaritan woman of grace
- God deals with people where they are
- This is a reminder of Jesus who left the glory of heaven to meet us where we are
- Abraham had been interceding for Lot
- Consider v29 - God remembered Abraham
- God uses your prayers
- Paul prayed for Israel that they would be saved
- We are to pray that people will be saved
- The Lord Jesus loved and saved people
- The demoniac
- The Samaritan woman
- Zaccheus
- God loves people
- Do we know that God loves us?
- Think of how gracious God had been to Lot
- Jude 7
- All who repent and turn from sin have total forgiveness
- The danger of lingering
- Today is the day of salvation
- We must cry out to God
- We must flee to Christ
- He who loves, warns