July 23, 2023

We preach Christ crucified

Passage: 1 Corinthians 1:1-25
Service Type:


My text is found in 1 Cor 1:23-24

At Tabor – we preach crucified
Salvation – the substitutionary death of the Lord Jesus Christ on our behalf
There are several things bound up in His redemptive work
Several words are used: propitiation, redemption, justification, reconcilation

The late John Stott provides images to help us understand these things
Propitiation – to the temple, redemption – to the slave market, justification – to the law court, reconciliation – to the family
Book – the Cross of Christ

My aim: to preach Christ crucified


Imagery of the temple court and sacrifice
It means – "the removal of wrath by the offering of a gift"
Three passages in the New Testament were this word is used

Rom 3:25, 1 John 2:1-2, 1 John 4:10

It takes us to the mercy seat – explanation

The pacification of the wrath of God

This can cause a problem for many who believe God is only a God of love

Sin provokes a settled/steady reaction from a Holy God

This is seen in the Old and New Testament
Ex 32:9-10, Ps 7:11, Rom 1:18, 1 John 2:1

Jesus is our mercy seat, our atonement, our propitiation

Heb 9:5

God in His grace has provided Christ as our propitiation
Quote from John Stott


Imagery of the slave market

From the ceremonial to the commercial, from the religious to the business
Jesus made a payment/transaction upon the cross

It means to ‘buy back’

Example of pawn broker
Old Testament example of a slave and a kinsman redeemer
Old Testament example of Gomer – Hosea 3

Jesus is our kinsman Redeemer – Mark 10:45

He paid the price (on the cross)
1 Pet 1:18-19, 1 Tim 2:5-6, John 8:34-36

The price of redemption was paid to God

We were in debt through the law
Jesus came to pay our debt for us
He has paid in full

Our chains fell off – because Christ paid our price


Imagery of the law court

We are all in the dock – guilty as charged

Rom 3:23
We are condemned

If we trust in Christ – we are cleared of all charges

Isa 53:11

How can man be righteous before God – Job 9:2

By grace alone
Rom 3:24, Eph 2:8, Rom 5:1,9

Do you know the power of His blood?

We are in the dock and the charges have been proved
Receive the salvation of God in Jesus
Be justified by faith


Imagery of the family

Example of the estranged daughter
Are you aware of your estrangement to God?

Jesus is the great reconciler

At Calvary
He was bringing people back to God

1 Peter 3:18, 2 Cor 5:18

What He has done for us – we want others to know

2 Cor 5:20-21
Sinner – come back to God

Like the prodigal son

Christ has brought God to us – in placating His wrath

Rom 5:10
Personal example
We have been given the spirit of adoption – the right to call God Father
Quote from song: ‘Arise my soul arise’
Luke 15:20

Do you know this reconciliation?

God can save you

Closing Remarks