The account of the healing of Naaman
The account of the healing of Naaman
Reading v14
A remarkable story about God’s grace and kindness to Naaman
He was the second most powerful man in the world – to the King of Syria
It is a wonderful thing that he came to know God
What kind of people does Jesus use to bring people to faith?
Not focussing on Naaman or Elisha, but the little girl
This is an example of God’s purpose for the gospel to go to all nations
Jonah / Nineveh is another example
We should not assume that we know what will happen in the future
A little unknown girl and a man with Naaman’s status
Elisha’s ministry to Naaman points forward to Jesus
A Proud Man
v1 – though they did not recognise the hand of God
Naaman had succeeded in everything he desired
He had bravery and courage
He had leadership
He was successful
He was rich and wealthy (v5)
People wanted to be like Naaman
People want to ‘succeed’ in this world
‘But’ he had leprosy
There was a shadow over his life
We may know great encouragements but there may be a ‘shadow’ over us
He was diagnosed with leprosy
Like being told he had cancer
A fatal disease
The greatest ‘but’ is sin – it spoils and mars our life
Everything we touch is contaminated by sin
For Naaman his greatest sin was pride
Perhaps he wept with anger – but there was nothing he could do about it
A great man – but with a shadow across his life
He is far from God
His riches in one sense separated him from God
God’s Providence
The little girl was a slave – captured by Naaman’s armies
Far from home
Likely taken in a raid
Taken to a strange land, not understanding the language
Taking the girl was harsh and uncaring
As she was there, she became aware of a shadow over the house
She became aware that Naaman was dying
The normal human response would be ‘good – he deserved this’
She wanted Naaman to believe in God
She spoke to him (via his wife) and prayed for him
She felt a sadness because Naaman and his wife did not know God
Not a normal human response
Not bitter
Not questioning God’s work in her life for her suffering
She was a wonderful witness to speak boldly and graciously about God
She wanted Naaman to see Elisha
Elisha was not healing lepers
But she had great confidence in God
We can have great confidence in Jesus
The wife spoke to Naaman
Naaman speaks to the King
The King writes a letter to the King of Israel (v6)
Both Kings think it is on them
The King of Israel did not think about the man of God
However, the little girl knew (and had confidence in God and Elisha)
Naaman thinks he has to pay for his cure
Elisha is a "man of God" (v8)
Elisha was God’s man
The king did not know of God’s man – but Naaman would
Naaman’s Healing
Naaman comes to a small house and Elisha does not even come out to meet him
Elisha sends a message for his cleansing
Jesus sends a message – ‘believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved’
People want to make things complicated – but it is straightforward
Naaman is still a proud and angry man – despite having leprosy
He becomes furious
He shows an ignorance about religion
Expecting a great show/ritual but not believing a simple word
He wants to bathe in his own rivers
He knows nothing about the true God
His servants speak to him
Naaman is humbled and obeys
He obeys the man of God
We need to obey God
He dips in the waters 7 times and is healed
He is overjoyed
Naaman gladly goes back to Elisha (v15)
He offers payment
Elisha declines as the gospel is free
Naaman has a changed heart
He requests earth from Israel
Because he thinks that if he stands on earth from Israel he can meet with God
He is humbled
He would bow to God in the temple of Rimmon
Elisha does not give a Bible Study
When God saves, the work of salvation continues
God will teach Naaman
Naaman returns to Syria and all are overjoyed
The little girl is thrilled
Naaman is glad
Both the little girl and Naaman know the one true God
Because Naaman believed
We need to believe the message of the gospel