My grace is sufficient for you
Reading 2 Cor 12:7-9
A wonderful promise – my grace is sufficient for you
Paul is answering his opponents in Corinth
He is listing his sufferings
Quite significant – especially five floggings from the Jews
It was amazing to see how the Lord sustained him through this
He talks about his ministry
His ability to understand and preach the gospel
Given by revelation from the Lord Jesus Christ
He is showing that he is not inferior in anyway to the false apostles – in sufferings or insights
He was given a thorn in his flesh to stop him getting conceited
We do not know what this was
Perhaps malaria, perhaps poor eye sight
In his flesh – his body
He was made weak by this affliction
Satan can often add to this affliction
We must recognise his work but not over emphasise his powers
He uses this thorn for malice
Perhaps making him question God’s purposes
His intention is to cast us down and misrepresent God
A messenger to stop him getting to elated in his position
Consider his wonderful experiences
Christians are not superior to one another due to their special experiences
Not to be confident
We must recognise the work of satan in our sufferings
Example of Jesus Christ, Simon Peter, Job
1 Peter 5:8, John 10:10
Satan can use particular means
We have points of vulnerability
Paul had many sufferings – yet this one thorn in the flesh was a constant experience
These things are in the hands of God – satan is restrained by God
In his weakness – he prayed
He prayed constantly – three specific occasions
He prayed earnestly / pleaded
He wanted God to take it away – not lessen it
He prayed to the Lord
Matt 7:7-12
The prayer was answered – but the thorn was not taken away
God gave him grace and the strength to cope with the situation
Example of Vernon Higham – having peace
Phil 4:6, Isa 55:8-9, Matt 26:36-39
We can often experience pain
Paul was determined to boast all the more in Christ
God will often give us extra grace for the situations we find ourselves in
Our spiritual health is more important than our physical health
God does not heal Paul but give him great grace
God supplies us with as much grace as we need
Example of Yemen
God supplies us with the ability to have a right attitude
Troubles can make us doubt God’s grace
Job 1:10-11
What do you think of re spiritual maturity?
God says my power is made perfect in weakness
Christ dealt with all things
When Paul was weak, Christ’s power rested on him
Example of brother with MND
Paul’s prayer was wonderfully answered
Paul was greatly used of God
His ‘secret’ was God’s power and grace
"Underneath are the everlasting arms"
2 Cor 4:7-12
Personal example
It is not always taken away – but there is always sufficient grace given to us
Quote from song
My grace is sufficient for you and my power made sufficient in weakness