Reaching the unreached – what part should I play?
Example of William Carey – is the command to the apostles to teach all nations an obligation on all succeeding ministers to the ends of the world?
Who became the father of modern missions
To go back in the history of missions
To focus on the Apostle Paul
Title: Reaching the Unreached – what part should I play?
Not everyone is engaged in reaching the unreached
My mission field is my neighbours
There is a marked change in Paul’s writing
Previously having tackled great doctrinal matters
This is a personal letter written to the Church in Rome
He writes in this chapter about his personal work and his plans
To see his heart and his passion
To see what we can learn from his example
We do not know much about the Church in Rome
One thing was sure – there had been a real change in these people (v14)
We have an opportunity to interview Paul and ask three questions
What is the priority in your ministry?
What are your plans?
How can we pray for you?
What is the priority in your ministry? (v15-20)
The short answer (in v20) – to preach the gospel where Jesus is not named/known
The scope of his work (v15-16)
The passion / his ministry – is to the Gentiles
Example – Paul’s conversion on the road to Damascus in Acts
A minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles (v16)
Using the analogy of a priest – making an offering to God
That the Gentiles would become an acceptable offering to God – sanctified by the Holy Spirit
The geography of his mission (v17)
From Jerusalem to Illyricum
Jerusalem – the mother church
Illyricum – an ancient province on the Balkan peninsula
His journey’s cost him dearly
2 Corinthians
The results of his mission
The Gentiles were given grace (v15)
The Gentiles were made obedient (v18)
He gives glory to Jesus Christ (v17)
It was all of God’s grace – done through Paul
It is good to remind ourselves it is not about self-promotion
Quote from song (In Christ Alone)
Quote – "We are God’s ink"
His priority is to take the gospel (v20)
We see his heart for unreached people
When we think of unreached people – what do we think about?
There is huge gospel need all around us
Is there a difference between the lost and the unreached?
Many have access to the Gospel
Example of M4 corridor
There are 7,385 unreached people groups
It is not either/or but both
What are your plans? (v23-29)
There was no longer a place for Paul where he was (v23)
Many people had been converted and churches had been established
He needed to go to unreached people
In Spain (v24)
Even though he wanted to go to Rome (v24)
Though he is now going to Jerusalem (v25)
He wanted to keep on serving
It is thought he wrote Romans before he completed his third missionary journey
He was likely aware of the dangers
Some might have thought he would hand over to the younger people
But there was still work to be done
In each chapter of our lives – God has work for us to do
Remember the Macedonian call (v26)
They in turn want to help the poor in Jerusalem
Mission has come full circle – from Jerusalem to Macedonia and back again
Personal example
The Gentile believers wanted to help the fellow brothers and sisters
They could not preach like Paul – but they could give financially
The majority world are now sending out many missionaries
God is calling out those from different tribes and nations
How can we pray for you? (v30-33)
Three prayer requests:
Safety ("to be delivered from those in Judea who do not believe")
Some might argue this was not answered
However, he was not killed as the Jews wanted
Service ("that my service for Jerusalem may be acceptable to the saints")
Perhaps he was afraid his motives might be misunderstood
Would the Jews accept a gift from the Gentiles
For his visit to the church in Rome
He recognises his need for pray (v30)
Example of William Carey
Example of Polly Carey – who prayed faithfully for 52 years for William Carey
You may not be able to go – but you can pray
Closing Remarks
What part should I play? – the are three parts here – you can do one of them
Pray that God will raise up people to take the gospel out
A ministry to send help/support
Prayer for ministry
There is a ministry for each of us
Closing Prayer