April 28, 2024

Reasons to Trust Jesus Christ

Passage: John 13:31-14:7
Service Type:


Example from a book: "When God Doesn’t Fix It"

God had prepared a place for her
In John 14 – we read that Jesus Christ has prepared a place in heaven for us

We should not be troubled (John 14:1-2)

Beginning a new series [Jesus‘ Discourse in the Upper Room]

We have finished looking at ‘Questions in John’s Gospel’
To look at the longest (continuous) discourse by Jesus in the New Testament
Like a mini-sermon: not to the crowds, not to the 12 apostles (Judas is not there) – to the 11
Precious and comforting truths
His longest discourse and His longest prayer (John 17)

Called the ‘Upper Room Discourse’

Precious things have happened in upper rooms

Example of Elijah, Paul, Jesus coming into a locked room in His resurrected body

The night before the crucifixion

Judas has gone out

Jesus begins in 13:31

We will start in chapter 14:1-6 and return to 13:31-38 later
Can you detect when people are worried?

John 13:22

Jesus started to speak about His departure – John 13:33
Jesus states that Peter would deny Him – John 13:36-38
"Let not your heart be troubled"

Overview: four reasons to trust Jesus Christ

Jesus is God

"Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me" – John 14:1

This was a big deal for a Jew: who were taught to never trust in human beings but God alone

Jesus was putting Himself on the level of God

The Jews understood this – John 5:18

He often used the title ‘Son of Man’ but there were indications of His God-hood
Jesus said He can come from heaven – John 3:13
Jesus performed many miracles – proving His divinity
Jesus seven "I AM" statements
Whatever your circumstances/troubles – you can trust in Jesus

Do you see your cure to anxiety as faith in Jesus Christ?
"The just will live by faith" – Habakkuk 2:4, Hebrews 10:38

Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us


By praying for us
Not a physical construction
By dying for us on the cross – securing our salvation

The Greek word is not "mansions" – but Revelation tells us it will be a spectacular place

Prepared for us through the work of Jesus Christ on the cross – His death and resurrection

My Father’s House

The Temple – where the special Shekinah glory of God dwelt

Why is heaven called ‘His Father’s House’?

God is everywhere
It is the immediate, glorious, comfortable presence of God
A place of safety, beauty and peace
Where people have gone before

Jesus is giving His disciples words of assurance and comfort
Are you ready to meet God?

Not everyone is saved
Have you come to Christ and confessed your sin?
Have you repented of your sin?

Jesus is coming again

"I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also." – John 14:2-3

Not just speaking of a Christian on the death bed

Also speaking of the Second Coming

Where the dead in Christ will rise (first)
A second resurrection of those who rejected Christ with the final judgment of God
An awesome day – but to be longed for

Are you looking forward to this day?

Psalm 84:10

Jesus is the way, the truth and the life

Jesus is the way to the Father

There is no other way

Jesus is the truth

He reveals God – His character, His image

Jesus is the life

Spiritual life
Abundant life in Christ

Do not be worried and tied down

Trust in Jesus

He is a tender Saviour – He understands us

We are like the disciples – often troubled and worried
We take our eye off Jesus
Look to Him