April 21, 2024

Confronting Deception in the Church

Passage: 2 Corinthians 11:1-15
Service Type:


Previously looking at 2 Corinthians and took a break

We last looked at 11:2 in a Communion Service
Then looking at Marriage and the Family
Now returning to 2 Corinthians

Paul had tremendous love for God’s people

Many would have walked away from the Corinthian church
He was a true under-shepherd

Jesus was the ultimate/true Shepherd

Paul’s first visit for 18 months

A tremendous promise – the salvation of "much people"
Despite opposition he continued to minister (free of charge)
He did all he did to relieve them of burdens

Through the passage of time, infiltrators had come into the church

Paul begins to counteract these false teachers
He begins confronting deception in the Church

His first letter was a corrective letter

His second letter was severe but is missing from Scripture – the people had repented of their sins but they were still under danger

Are we alert to such dangers?


Paul’s concern for the church (v1-4)
Paul unmasking false apostles (v5-15)

Paul’s concern for the church (v1-4)

Is often not overcome by logical reason/argument

There needs to be much prayer

Paul is very impassioned (v2)

He fears for the people (v3)
He is worried they may put up with false teaching (v4)
He is seeking to wake up the Corinthians

Paul says the behaviour of the Corinthians (10:18) in comparing preachers is folly

He has to come down to their level (v1)
He needs to counteract what they are saying
He needs to remind them he worked for free
He need to remind them of his credentials – weakness and suffering

Godly jealously (v2)

As the church planter – he feels a responsibility towards them
He does not want them to be corrupted or polluted
He wants to see the church presented as a perfect bride
He says things delicately but boldly
He is very clear (v13)

Possible deception (v3)

Satan twisted God’s word and deceived Eve
False teachers seek to deceive and twist God’s word – examples
There is simplicity in Christ – in faith

We must not go off on tangents
The gospel of Christ must be our focus

These deceivers are over complicating things

Things are not to be added to the truth of the gospel

Paul has a deep concern for the Corinthians

We must have a deep concern for the truth of the gospel of Christ – faith in Christ alone

Works are fruits of faith
We must not mix up law and grace

Be careful with those who add and take away from the gospel

Those who tone down sin

We must hold to the whole counsel of God

We must pray for pastors, preachers, evangelists and elders
We must pray for each other

Paul unmasking false apostles (v5-15)

He does this by first speaking about himself – light exposes darkness

He is not inferior (v5)

He is not double minded

He is not untrained (v6)

He is not trained in speech but is in knowledge
The truth of his situation was evidence amongst them
Paul’s epistles are weighty

An example of self-sacrificial service (v7-10)

Paul never took any renumeration during church planting (only once established)
He was prepared to work with his own hands – a menial job
He did not want to be a burden in any way
Other churches trusted so much in Paul – they sent him financial gifts

Why should the Corinthians distrust him?
They should be thanking him for his self-sacrifice
A false idea that a free message has no value, that avoiding payments means he wants no attachment to them

Paul did it for love (v11)


How much do we love the Church of Jesus Christ?
The danger of listening to Evangelical gossip
We need to test all things

He begins to speak about the false teachers (v12ff)

He does not want them to have opportunity
He is clear – they are false teachers

Jesus said ‘do not be deceived’, ‘beware of false prophets’
Example of the fruits of false teachers – Jude, 2 Peter

They are not apostles – they are false
They are workers – but deceitful
They come across as light – but they are darkness

Never has there been a time when Christians could be more deceived
We must be careful what we hear and read

They come across as ministers of righteousness but are ministers of unrighteousness

We are to be ministers of Christ

We must not move from the primary issues – though we may disagree over secondary issues
We must preserve gospel truth
We must talk about concerns and have balance


Reading 1 John 2:18-21
We know the truth – let us stick to it