April 21, 2024

Do you understand what I have done to you?

Passage: John 13:1-17
Service Type:


Have you heard this story?

Of the president of the United States
A pale comparison to the Lord Jesus Christ

Who washed the feet of the disciples

John 13:1-17

v12 – "Do you know what I have done to you?"

We can say what Jesus has done for me
Can you say Jesus what you have done to me?

Looking at this question

Jesus has made Himself of no reputation
Jesus has come to care for us
Jesus has come to cleanse us
We must also ask what must I do for Jesus?

Let us examine our lives


A love that stoops
A love that serves
A love that sanctifies
A love that demands a right response from us

God is love and desire that all sinners should come to repentance

We love because God first loved us
If there is any service in us – it is because He has first loved us

A love that stoops

This passage is only found in the Gospel of John

Why is this so?

Shortly after the institution of the Lord’s Supper – Christians could misunderstand this practice – not a regular practice/ordinance like the Lord’s Supper
Things that are glorious only need to be written once

v3-4: Jesus gets up …

… and surely will do something awesome
… but laid aside His garments, took a towel and washed the disciples feet

An act of the lowest servant

A condescending act of love

People knelt/worshipped at Jesus feet – why should He kneel at our feet?
It would have taken some degree of time
This was a usual Jewish practice – to clean their feet after coming into a house

Jesus ministers to us day-by-day

We are often taken up with things – yet Jesus cares for us
Jesus knew that His hour had come: the night before His crucifixion, to be offered as a Passover Lamb on the altar of Calvary – Yet Jesus washes the disciples feet

Would you be considering others the day before your death?
It was a very personal act
He probably washed the feet of Judas

He gives an example of loving our enemies

Example of King Henry
Exposition of Matthew Henry

Jesus who was rich became poor for us, so that we who are poor can become rich

Jesus still loves us without change

How will we respond to this?

A love that serves

"It is not chore to serve"

It was no chore for the Lord Jesus Christ to wash the disciples feet

A thing never done by the master of the house
Jesus loved not just in word but deed

Personal example

Jesus "did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many"

He laid down His life for His friends

A love that sanctifies

Do you understand the interaction between Jesus and Peter?


Simon Peter often resisted Jesus
Jesus is tender with Him – He knows he will not understand
He challenges Peter that he cannot have a stubborn heart

The washing has spiritual significance

The 11 disciples have known the washing of regeneration and the work of the Spirit in their lives [not Judas]
The cross has cleansed people of their sin

There is continued regeneration
There needs to be daily repentance and confession of our sin

We cannot cleanse ourselves or redeem ourselves

We go to the blood of Christ at the cross
We ask for fresh forgiveness
We do not believe that good works or religious rituals erase our sin
Example of song "Nothing but the blood of Jesus"

Have you come to this fount?

A love that demands a right response from us


The place of blessing and happiness is in the will of God serving Christ

We ought not to be miserable Christians

There are examples of servants of Jesus Christ within our church
Are we prepared to be the least and last?

Like the apostle Paul
Like the Lord Jesus Christ (Phil 2:5-7)

Read 1 John – a challenging book on loving the brethren, in word and in deed
Quote from Spurgeon
This love demands a response from us

Jesus has died for me
Jesus has done something for me – examples
Jesus has given us all that we need

In response – I seek to serve Jesus