April 28, 2024

Following Jesus in Suffering

Passage: 2 Corinthians 11:16-33, Psalm 93:1-5
Service Type:



How might Paul reply?
How might such a person respond to Paul’s deprivation in chapter 11?

Considering a Christianity that is robust, strong and true

Unlike any other religion
That meets the most intense persecution and does not give up
That suffers terribly but remains loyal to the Lord
That gives thanks to God in the midst of such suffering

A series of questions and responses

Why did you suffer so much?
Because I preached the truth


They hated me because they hated this message
The Greeks though it was foolish and also hated this message

This is my suffering (v23b)

Close to death on many occasions
Lashings (on 5 occasions)

He knew intense persecution – because of the message he preached
What is your Christianity?

Do you suffer for your witness?
Do you preach truth?
We need to be wise and bold

Because I am following my Lord/Master

We follow our Master – we walk in His footsteps
We identify in His shame and suffering
Are we prepared to follow Jesus into suffering?

Not ‘health and wealth’

Paul is challenging these false ministers (v23)

Example of Training Course

Because He is Worthy

I met the risen Christ on the road to Damascus

Paul was so overwhelmed by the love of God to him
He bursts out in praise – 2 Cor 1:3
Not just a compulsion to follow Him

Because I love my fellow man

He is not going to stop
He is willing to be accursed and damned [if such a thing was possible] for his own people – Romans 9-10

He always preached first in the Synagogue
He felt a debtor to the Gentiles – Rom 1:14, Acts 9:15-16

What is your burden for the lost?

Do you love them enough to be persecuted and mis-understood?
Are you willing to suffer?

What is the hardest thing you have to bear?

Many deprevivations

Lashings …
Shipwrecks …
Perils …
Walking/long days …
Lack of food and shelter …

None of the above

The hardest thing is the state of the Churches
Converts weak in the faith (v29)

Stumbling in sin
Being led into bondage

Paul might ask us how much we love the Church of Jesus Christ?

How concerned are we for the name of God?
How concerned are we for the glory of God?

What keeps you going?

A secret – when he is weak, then he is strong (2 Cor 12:10)
Contentment – Phil 4:11
That nothing can separate him from the love of God – Rom 8:35-39
Paul will only boast in his weakness so God will have all the glory

What are these words about boasting?

These words are not the norm (v17)

I have been forced into this situation
I need to expose these men who are boasting – by using irony

I am not a fool (v16)

You put up with foolish men – I will be foolish
You put up with so much – bondage and even physical attacks
He lists his ‘credentials’
He was prepared for such humiliation

He was not lying (v31)
He would not boast in his success but in his weakness

Closing Remarks

Wealth and health – a false Christianity

Only brings disillusionment
Only brings empty promises

Jesus Christ was a warrior who conquered through suffering

We are to follow in His footsteps
If we suffer with Him we will be glorified with Him
He has overcome the world