Amazing Jesus
Apologies for the inconsistent audio – the preacher was moving around/away from the microphone at times
When you were last truly amazed by something
Personal example
What makes us say wow?
There are many wow moments in Scripture
What things would I want to see?
The things that cause greatest amazement in the gospels – not Jesus’ actions but what He said and taught
The word amazed means to be stunned by his teaching
We can become overly familiar to these – they can lose their impact
We will look at two examples today
This morning: Luke 6:46-49
Concludes a passage of teaching (the Sermon on the Mount)
Three stunning/shocking truths
Shock 1: It is not enough to call Jesus Lord (v46-47)
Jesus can be called King – but you may not be following Him
Example of census – 46% of the population call themselves Christian
Saying I am a Christian – is not enough
Calling Jesus Lord, Master and King is not enough
Three things to do: come, hear and do
Personal example
This is not a one-off event but Jesus must continuously be Lord of our life
Jesus is either Lord of everything or He is Lord of nothing
Shock 2: Following Jesus is hard (v47-48)
Example of Sandcastle
Example of Castle
The castle is still standing because it was built on the rock
It is hard
It took effort
It had deep foundations
Jesus says that following Him will be hard
He has a counter cultural message
Consider 6:27-36
13 commands – none of which are easy
Following Jesus is costly and radical
Not to hold a grudge
Not to retaliate
Giving to those who will not give back
You have love and pray for your enemies
We need to go to the people who are not like us
Why then would you bother?
Shock 3: Storms are coming (v48-49)
They will reveal your foundations
Jesus does not reveal the construction of the houses – they could have been the same
The difference is the foundation
The difficult things that come in a cursed and fallen world – example from Job (1:21)
There is a coming Day of Judgment
Jesus will reply to some that “He never knew them”
They did not come to, listen to and do what Jesus had commanded
Where is your foundation?
Jesus promises that if we build on His word, we will stand for an eternity
In this age and the age to come