The Amazing Father
Apologies for the inconsistent audio – the preacher was moving around/away from the microphone at times
How many times have we read this story?
Is the focus in the right place?
It is a story of 2 sons
What is the shock in the story?
Not just the younger son’s behaviour
It is the behaviour of the Father
The Amazing Father
Quote from AW Tozer
Jesus told this story to the authorities – to explain the heart and the character of the Father
Five things about the Father
The generosity of the father (v11-12)
The son wanted his inheritance early
A deeply offensive request
Yet He goes further and gives both sons their inheritance
God’s generosity – He has created our world
The father lets his son go (v13)
For a relationship to be genuine – there must be choice
The character of the father (v17-20)
Why did he go home and not to other places?
He knew his father’s character
He now remembers his father’s character
What is the impact of our lives?
What is our character?
This should encourage us
The love of the father (v20)
The father was waiting and looking for his son
He was filled with compassion
He ran to his son – a disgrace
This parable was primarily aimed at tax collectors and sinners, but secondarily to the pharisees and scribes
He is straight back in as not a servant but a son
The joy of the father (v22-24)
v7, 10, rejoice and celebrate the son was dead but is now alive
God welcomes sinners home
In God’s presence is fullness of joy
The best party is back at home
This is where the real joy and celebration is found
The heart of the father (v25-32)
The pharisees are the older brother
The father had already given the older brother half the inheritance
Yet there was no compassion from the older brother
The attitude of his heart and the words of his mouth were a disgrace
The father twice pleads with the older son
There is righteous anger – judgment for the pharisees
There is an invitation to true relationship
Closing Remarks
Are there ‘brothers’ on our heart?
We know the heart of the Father
This in an encouragement to us – God longs for them to come home