May 12, 2024

Encouragement to Pray

Passage: John 14:1-14
Service Type:


A real encouragement to prayer
Re-reading v12-14
Do you struggle in prayer?

Some might be prayer warriors

The majority might struggle in prayer: Examples

Life is too much/too hard
Will God accept me?
Why do I need to pray?
Unanswered prayer

Example of Song – What various hindrances we meet

What hindrance might you meet?
But answered prayers encourage us to pray more
Though we are weak, prayer is mighty
Example of prayer in a Church in Newtown

Example of Song – Lord teach us how to pray aright
Perhaps prayer is the weakest aspect of many churches in the UK

What are our own private lives in prayer like?
Example of CH Spurgeon
Not just arrow prayers, not just grace, not just before bed or when we wake
Do we enjoy being in God’s presence?

Encouragement to pray

Jesus encourages His disciples to pray – on four occasions

The word "you" – is in the plural

Jesus is speaking to the 11 disciples
These are group statements
Not just individual but corporate prayer

The promise of the Holy Spirit
Acts 4

To join physically together to pray – where possible


Repetition – examples

Jesus wants the disciples to take note of this important point

Also John 15:7, 16; 16:23-24
Jesus encourages His apostles many times – ‘ask in My name’

Let us listen to the Lord Jesus and ask in His name

We so quickly forget sermons
The disciples had forgotten the importance of prayer – example
We must not forget the instruction of the Lord

Not to pray selfishly

The Extent of the Promise

Greater Works

Is this confined to the apostles?
Example of the Acts of the Apostles
No one can do a greater miracle than Jesus Christ

Not just confined to physical miracles

Miracles of bodily healing are temporary – people still die
Spiritual miracles – are greater

Spiritual miracles (of salvation)

Not just the Jews but the Gentiles also
Relatively few were saved during Jesus’ ministry – 3’000 were saved at Pentecost
A resurrection body

Example of George Muller

Yet the greater miracle is for their salvation


We are asked to consider and ask big things for the kingdom of God

The Basis of the Promise

To pray in Jesus Name

Not formulaic ‘in Jesus’ name’
It is not found in Scripture

To come to God through Jesus Christ the Mediator

Recognising that we have no right to come to God
Recognising that we have every right to come through Jesus

Heb 10:22
Jesus’ blood has washed us clean

We thank God for Jesus sacrifice on the cross

To pray a prayer that Jesus would confirm / counter-sign


These directions are about asking

Jesus prayer’ was (Our Father) bracketed in praise
Paul’s prayers are full of thanksgiving
We ask with a spirit of thanksgiving – Phil 4:6-7
Prayer for judgment and salvation – in God’s will

If it brings glory to the Son

God hears our prayers
God answers prayers
Example of Jane

In God’s will

Closing Remarks

1 John 5:14-15 "Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him."
God revealed His glory to John – even in a place of suffering and isolation on Patmos
It may surprise us what God may do