July 25, 2021

Understanding the Times

Passage: Isaiah 5:8-30
Service Type:


1 Chronicles 12 – a list of David’s might men of valor

v32 – the sons of Issachar had an understand of the times
Not enough that they were mighty men but men that could discern the times

Christians today must be aware of the signs of the time

Prevailing moral attitudes
The words of Isa 5 could easily apply today – they describe the society in which we live

particularly v20

Dictionary definition for immoral and amoral

Immoral – people who know right and wrong but chose the wrong and avoid the right
Amoral – people who do not believe there is a right and wrong
We live in an amoral society
Example from Frozen (Song by Elsa)

Seized as an anthem for our age – ‘no right, no wrong’
How many will damage their lives by living this way?

What is the source of this moral confusion?

Two contributory factors in Isa 5

v24 – the people have rejected God’s law

This is a rejection of God Himself – since His law is an expression of His being, purity of His character, essence of His nature

If they reject His authority – there can be no absolute moral standard

Left with the statement of the Philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau

‘Right and wrong is in the eye of the beholder’

Can we expect unbelievers to uphold God’s law / can hold them to God’s law?

Can we impose our biblical views on society?
Rom 2:15 – the Gentiles have the law written on their hearts and their conscience reflected God’s law
God’s law is intended for all people

Upholding the law does not save

All have sinned and fallen short of the law – we proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ
Jesus paid the price for sin and suffered punishment on our behalf
We will be credited with the perfection of Christ’s life and made acceptable to God and welcomed into fellowship with Him

Preaching the law:

Helps direct people to God
Helps to restrain the evil in society

v21 – the people trust in their own intellect

Men are inherently religious since they are created by / for and to worship God

If men reject God they fill this void with the inventions of their own mind
Example of “The Devils” by Dostoevsky

Examples of the consequences of the erosion of our mind:

No intrinsic worth – Example of the Beatles clothing

Our lives have worth in God

Abortion and euthanasia
Sexual promiscuity
The undermining of religious freedom

What is God’s response?

Gal 6:7, Rom 1:24ff, Isa 5:24

People are given over to their sin
Life become worthless – if it is a life lived without God and His law
Particularly true of young people

God’s judgment

The Assyrians came and conquered Israel

We are not facing an invader but are being destroyed from within

Our society is being torn apart

v14 – the final judgment

Example of basking shark
Hell is like a gaping mouth swallowing up mankind – for all those who will foolishly live without God

God is not mocked – that which we sow, we reap

We are commanded to love our neighbours
We cannot stand by when people bring foolish consequences upon themselves for not believing in God
We must look around our society and be disturbed at what we see – as Paul was in Athens
We must have a deep concern for what is happening in our neighbourhoods, communities and families
We are called to serve God by serving fellow man – by proclaiming His name and Word

What should we do?

We must pray – 1 Tim 2:1

A priority
We are seek their salvation and general good – by praying for them
We must give thanks for common grace / our neighbours
We must pray for those in authority – 1 Tim 2:2

To be salt and light – Matt 5:13-16

Remember the teaching on the sermon of the Mount
We are to proclaim to people the truth of Scripture with graciousness
We are to proclaim and ‘live’ what is good

So that people can see God really makes a difference in our lives

Preach the gospel

To take every opportunity to share the gospel
Example of Paul
To see the nation brought to Christ
To see people right with God

These are not in competition – we are commanded to be engaged in all of them
Summary thoughts
All who serve the Lord must be like the men of Issachar – to know the times so that we will know what to do for God’s glory
Closing Remarks