July 25, 2021

How Great a Salvation!

Passage: Hosea 1:1-9, Hosea 3:1-3
Service Type:

A few here that can remember the 70’s

Popular song: love hurts
These words could have been written about Hosea
He could have fully identified with the painful experience identified in that song

Chapter 1
Commanded to marry Gomer – who will not be faithful to him

She will bring to Hosea a lot of heartache
She conceives a son with Hosea – called Jezreel

This name spoke of bloodshed, betrayal and badness
He would avenge the blood spilt by Jehu

Example of Son’s name

Gomer conceives again – but not Hosea’s child

She is called Lo-Ruhamah – that means “means no-mercy”
God will no longer have mercy towards Israel as they have been adulterous towards Him and gone after other god

Gomer conceives again – but not Hosea’s child

He is called Lo-Ammni – that means “not My people”
God will no longer be there God

This is like an episode out of daytime TV – a very bad situation

What will God do next?
Is He willing to pay the price of love and restore them to Himself

Chapter 3
Hosea is commanded to love Gomer

Gomer has not come in apology to Hosea seeking forgiveness – in fact she is in the arms of another love
Hosea does not want her back

He is told “go again”
He wants to put the situation behind him and move on with his life

God does not suggest that Hosea try to salvage this relationship for one last time – God commands

How incredibly hard this must have been for Hosea
God was not demanding anything of Hosea that He does not demand Himself

God loves a sinful people

Even though they have worshiped other gods, despised Him, treated Him with contempt
1 John 4:10
Example of Baptist Pastor Peter Miller

One man showing love for an enemy

God loves those who are His determined enemies because He chooses to

His love towards us in unconditional

Our sins require judgment

He chooses to save a people for His name sake and glory
To be merciful and show the glory of His grace

This love cannot be found outside of God

Will you spurn this love by refusing to repent of your sin and refusing to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ for your salvation

Chapter 3
Hosea buys Gomer – we don’t know the full story

Maybe she has been sold as a slave for prostitution
Maybe there was a bidding war
Maybe people were aghast that Hosea has bid everything to buy back this woman who has ruined his life

The command to buy back Gomer has cost Hosea a lot

What did it cost God the Father to redeem us from our sin?
He paid a price beyond all measure – His only begotten Son died in our place on the cross

The penalty of our sin paid by Jesus so that we would know the love of God
John 3:16

Example of refugee camp

We understand the love of a mother towards her child
How can we understand the love of God?

We are worthless before a mighty God

We have sinned and rebelled against Him
Yet He paid an incalculable price to set us free from sin
God calls on us to repent of our sin and trust in faith upon Him

Christianity is not a religion that we must sacrifice or pay to reach God but of a God who sacrificed and paid to reach us

Praise Him!

Gomer graciously restored

She is not a slave
He has not done this out of revenge
She will be his wife – he will love her as though she had never been unfaithful
She will stay with him many days and remain faithful
Hosea will stay with her – he commits himself to her

God restores all those who receive forgiveness of sin in the Lord Jesus Christ

Romans 5:1
We are transformed by God – 2 Cor 5:17
He commits himself to them
Example of artwork in the mansion

A disfigured wall turned into a wonderful highland scene

God takes ugly/sinful creatures and refashions us into glorious trophies of His grace

He restores us to what we ought to be
We are all expert at covering our sin – but God sees our sin
However, when God looks at us, He sees that we are clothed in Jesus’ righteousness

He restores us to Himself so that we can have full fellowship with Him

We are given everything in Christ
Come to Christ today – so that you might be restored and that you would be acceptable to God

Closing Remarks

Trust in Jesus
Praise God!