August 1, 2021

O Jerusalem

Passage: Ezekiel 18:19-32, Luke 13:34-35
Service Type:


Opening comments on the importance of Jerusalem

The place where God had put His name
It was the place that David ruled over, Daniel prayed towards, that Jeremiah wept over
2 Chronicles 7:12,16
Jesus set His face towards Jerusalem

Jesus was deeply burdened for Jerusalem

He longed that they would turn away from their sin and repent

Just as Ezekiel had preached to Israel

The city He rode into during Palm Sunday
He wept over the city

The pharisees are urging Jesus to go onto Jerusalem – v31

They had a fake concern for Jesus’ life
They had made a pact with Herodian soldiers and were already plotting His death

v32 – Jesus was resolute in His mission

v33 – He is going to Jerusalem to die upon the cross for the sins of His people
He would not be deflected from this mission, even though the price was very great

Looking at v34-35

The Tender Love of God

“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem” – duplication of the word Jerusalem – He longs for them

Jesus came first for the lost sheep of the house of Israel
He desired they would know fellowship with and rest in God
He called people to believe in Him for everlasting life

There were those who came humbly to His feet and knew the joys of sins forgiven
There were others who only wanted to see His miracles and fell away

Yet Jesus continued to teach and preach a rebellious people

Jesus knows all about us this morning – the true state of our heart

Jesus calls us today
Jesus weeps today over those who reject Him
Maybe you feel the depth of your uncleanness – yet Jesus is willing to make us clean

Ezek 33:11

Have you turned from your sin into the arms of Jesus Christ?

“How Often” – the longing of the heart of God

He had great mercy and compassion for the people of Jerusalem
Jesus is speaking for Himself and the Triune God

God continually sent prophets to the nation

God is a tender God, like a mother hen gathering her chicks under her wing
God wants to bring us into a place of safety, intimacy and warmth

Do you believe this of God?
You must turn from your sin and choose Christ

A Stubborn Refusal

Jesus had seen how Israel would be cut off and the Gentiles would be grafted in

Jesus had foreseen the terrible massacre that would come against Jerusalem and how Israel would be scattered

The Jews had not learnt their lesson from the wilderness years

In fact, they stoned the prophets that God sent to them
The prophets denounced their sin, greed, wanton breaking of God’s laws and ultimately the people themselves

They called the people back to the living God but they did not accept the word of God
Neh 9

It can feel a bit like this in Wales today

Israel committed some heinous sins

Quote from Jesus re that terrible day in AD70

God is a just and holy God

His patient does run out
We must never continue in sin or ignore our sin

Everything will not be alright

Oh that we would come to Him

A Day of Decision

A future day would come when they would return to their Messiah

However, the day of reckoning for this generation was about to come

Their time was about to run out

What about us today?

You are either for or against Him
He is either Master of your life or you are your own master

Nothing in life is certain – except God

He is willing to save all those who call upon Him
Give up your sin and come to Christ
Find life
Choose life, choose heaven